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From Our Blog

Legacy Hardware & Software - A Dangerous Decision
Recent studies show that as many as 93% of companies today are using at least some sort of cloud-based technology, although certainly some way more than others. Because of this, you may be thinking that these companies are also moving away from on-site servers and hardware, but this is not…
Office 365 Brings New Levels of team Collaboration
People sometimes wonder, why bother switching from the “old” Microsoft Office productivity suite to Microsoft Office 365. After all, with the old way, you still have Word, Excel and PowerPoint. As we have come to discover ourselves, there are lots of reasons to make the change, but one of the…
Microsoft Office 365 - Enterprise Grade Security for Your Data
These days everyone is concerned about data security, and with good cause. Not surprisingly, Microsoft has been a leading player in security, along with reliability and user productivity. When they took the Office productivity suite to the cloud with Office 365, they also took a giant leap forward in terms…
More Myths About Business Cloud Computing & Why Choosing the Right IT Service is Important
Last week we began a discussion of myths surrounding business cloud computing. Here is a quick recap of the ones we tackled: 1: Data can’t be all that safe in a “cloud” – not true. 2: We lose control of our data in the Cloud – not true. 3: If…
The Cloud is not a cloud
It may be one of the most unfortunate names ever given to a form of technology. The Cloud. On one hand, it seems wonderfully ethereal. On the other, how can you trust all your data and applications to something so flimsy and unstable as a cloud? So here’s the thing:…
Making Digital Disruption Work for You: Step 1 – Microsoft Office 365
If you follow DynaSis on Facebook, LinkedIn, or elsewhere, you are aware that we have been discussing Digital Disruption for some time now. If not, here is a 30-second overview: digital disruption on a global scale happens with developments like the advent of computers and/or the Internet. On an industry-wide…
Ransomware Hits the Big Time - But You Can Protect Your Business
  If you have heard of ransomware but are not exactly sure what it is, here is a quick explanation: essentially, ransomware attacks start when cyber criminals hide links in what seem to be normal everyday emails or website pages. When these links are clicked on, a malicious virus is…
Digital Disruption Seminar March 10 at GNFCC EXPO
If you haven’t heard the term “Digital Disruption”, think of the effect of Uber on the Taxi industry or of Netflix on the video rental business. But you don’t have to set an entire industry on edge to be a “digital disruptor.” No, you don’t have to be the next…
Office 365 Features You Should be Using
Now that you have made the switch, there are Office 365 features should be using. Yes, old habits die hard, so it is very likely that everyone on your team is continuing to use “O365” the same way you have been using the desktop-only application for years. That would be…
The IoT and the Law of Unintended Consequences
Let’s start by understanding two things: What is the IoT? And what is the Law of Unintended Consequences? IoT: The "Internet of Things". This is the connecting of virtually any device to the Internet. Smartphones, dishwashers, refrigerators, headphones and earbuds, lamps, HVAC systems…you name it. “Alexa, please add milk to…
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