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From Our Blog

Cloud Connectivity Improves Manufacturing Capabilities
A recent article in Forbes Magazine highlighted how technology is impacting the manufacturing industry. Among the other points it raised, it noted that surveys had found that: 55% of manufacturers are using the cloud platforms and technologies to better manage their supply chains. 48% are using cloud platforms and technologies…
A First Look at a New Security Technology: On-Body Transmission
Did you ever wonder how safe it was for you to be sending passwords or secret codes via airwaves through WiFi or Bluetooth? It can be a problem in that these transmissions can be susceptible to hacking and, once intercepted, the codes are susceptible to having the encryptions decoded. Well,…
Satan's IT Ransom Note
If you are keeping up–to-date with the latest on ransomware attacks making the news these days, you may be aware of a newly discovered insidious piece of malware called Satana. Satana appears to be an offshoot, or third cousin, of another ransomware Trojan named Petya, that has kept IT security…
Advantages of a Professional Outsourced (USA-Based) IT Help Desk Team
Being unable to receive technical support when they need it is not only frustrating to your employees, it hurts your business. Your sales people can’t sell, your customer service team cannot provide the assistance your customers need, and the security of your I.T. infrastructure may be at risk. Your onsite…
VoIP Business Telephones Provide Great Marketing Opportunities
Current VoIP systems offer a lot. They speed up communications; they reduce downtime; they are easily scalable; they reduce costs. But we find that not everyone uses all the features these modern systems provide. Unlike older telephone systems, there are a number of built-in, easy-to-use features, so neglecting to use…
I.T. Jargon for Everyone
Yes, this is the age of IT Jargon. It seems that even things we have done for an entire lifetime now have new terminology. We used to “turn off” an electrical device. Now we “power down.” LOL used to mean lots of luck. Now it stand for laughing out loud.…
Running your Business's I.T. Like a Business
While there is no longer any question about the need for I.T. in business today, in many companies there is still the perception that information technology is more of a cost center than a valuable business asset. CFO magazine, in a recent survey, reported that almost 50% of CFOs felt…
Many Companies Still Dealing with Email Security Issues
It has been said that email is a cyber-criminal’s best friend. Email has become a very popular tool for hackers to go after their victims. If you think the day of the Nigerian Prince who is desperately seeking your help and willing to pay you $5,600,000 just for allowing you…
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Cybercriminals: Scarier, More Organized than Ever
By The DynaSis Team In late 2013, Internet security firm Fireeye discovered that a string of sophisticated, seemingly unrelated malware attacks had all been built on a common infrastructure of malicious services and applications. After further research, Fireeye concluded that multiple criminal entities and operations were working together, pooling and…
Boost Office Efficiency and Productivity through Technology
By the DynaSis Team Every day, small and midsized business (SMB) owners are bombarded with seemingly conflicting messages regarding how IT solutions can help them best run their businesses. With so many options to consider regarding corporate security, productivity and cost efficiency, it is not surprising that some of them…
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