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From Our Blog

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5G Wireless Signals Lightning Fast Downloads, Better Quality
It’s not that long ago that 2G wireless was the best service around for your mobile devices. Then came 3G, and what an improvement that was! Now, it’s all about 4G and, yes, it is really fast, so much so that if you are still on 3G, the pain is…
Dangerous Email Subject Lines
  Check Out These Email Subject Lines. Would You Click on Them? Over the past few years, we’ve all been taught to be careful not to click on suspicious looking emails, right? The problem is that cyber thieves are working very hard at coming up with new ways to trick…
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The Strategic Technology Plan Part 3
An understanding of our Strategic Technology Plan and how it works will provide you with a tremendous amount of technology knowledge, in layman’s terms, that every C-Level executive needs. Part 1 of this series (click here) dealt with servers and the computers that host them, and how and why we…
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The Strategic Technology Plan Part 2
An understanding of our Strategic Technology Plan and how it works will provide you with a tremendous amount of technology knowledge, in layman’s terms, that every C-Level executive needs. Part 1 of this series (click here) dealt with servers and the computers that host them, and how and why we…
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The Strategic Technology Plan Part 1
An understanding of our Strategic Technology Plan and how it works will provide you with a tremendous amount of technology knowledge, in layman’s terms, that every C-Level executive needs. About 18 months ago, our DynaSis team put together an extensive system review/planning program for our clients that we call our…
Why Buy Business-Grade Computer Equipment?
At DynaSis, we have been working with small to mid-sized businesses in the Metro Atlanta area for the past 25 years, so we speak with a lot of businesses about their technology needs. When we are asked to recommend new hardware, we always recommend business-grade computer equipment. Why? The equipment…
Why We Patch Operating Systems & Applications - IT Support
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” Sound familiar? As an Atlanta IT support team, these days what we more commonly hear is, “If it’s working fine, why bother with patches (also known as updates)?” Computer hardware doesn’t seem to have a lot in common with the internal combustion engine…
You are Going to Be Hacked - It's Not "If", It's "When"
Cloud computing in Atlanta and the rest of the world has spread extensively and now more than 90% of small to mid-sized businesses either are already using the cloud for some aspects of their business, or expect to be in the near future. Frankly, most of these businesses are realizing…
Outsourcing / Co-Sourcing as a Competitive Tool
While faster problem resolution and better performance, along with reduced IT costs and complexity, are certainly valid reasons for deciding to outsource some or all your IT functions, it is becoming apparent to many that there is actually a lot more to be gained. When a company chooses a qualified…
Mobile Security: Employee Training & Mobile Device Management
As workplace mobility becomes both more widespread and more accepted, the importance of employee awareness of mobile security increases. To be effective, mobility, the ability of your employees to carry on their workplace duties outside the office, must be properly managed to be secure. Unfortunately, this is not always the…
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