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From Our Blog

What Would Happen If Your Data Disappeared?
IT systems are vulnerable to spam, viruses, spyware, and even disgruntled employees. Any of these could destroy or syphon data from your network. Therefor it is important to protect both the server and client side of your network. If reducing risk is important to your business, focusing on IT liabilities…
Managing IT Security
Data security and protection have been cornerstones for IT infrastructure development since the creation of the world wide web. The ability to connect to the Internet and store sensitive data is vital to nearly every business. With great power comes great responsibility. With DynaSis managed security, you can concentrate on…
What Is Virtualization?
by Dave Moorman According to Wikipedia: Virtualization is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system, a storage device or network resources. While that is the technical description, it helps to know what virtualization accomplishes: Virtualization is a key part…
Hot Desking - a new business strategy
by David J. Moorman Hot Desking is a term that came about with Hot bunking on ships in the Navy. As businesses seek more ways to reduce their costs, they find themselves taking new and sometimes even radical approaches to meeting their goals. Cutting down on the largest expenditures is first…
Everybody Is In The Technology Business
At some point in UPS’s recent history they realized moving things from Point A to Point B wasn’t just a matter of a fit person picking up a package and dropping it off. For at least 15 years, UPS has known that they are a technology business. Recently, they’ve come…
The Most Important Service Other Cloud Providers Don't Offer
When businesses seek IT solutions, its important for them to understand what differentiates cloud service providers from IT technical support service providers. The cloud is a hot topic in IT because it is a shifts where the hardware is located. Simply put, cloud services move the servers that businesses used…
3 Important Reasons To Have An E-mail Archiving System
Waiting until spring to clean up your e-mails isn’t just a matter of dust collecting, it can have serious consequences. Don’t procrastinate in setting up your digital archives. Instead, implement a proactive e-mail archiving system to help protect you and your business from potential problems down the line.
The #1 Reason To Be In The Cloud
The cloud is an instance in which you can simplify your business while also making dramatic improvements. Through simplifying, you gain the ability to create a major competitive advantage. The cloud offers more security, redundancy, availability, and mobility. Instead of just keeping up with the competition, you’ll be able to…
3 Consequences Of Under-Performing IT
Many people find technology to be a burden because they only realize their dependence when it  malfunctions. We should always keep in mind how much IT has improved business overall. Most businesses can’t function at all without some sort of computer system. Instead of viewing IT as a blessing and…
How The Desktop Is Like A Dial Tone
In ten years, you will assume you can work from anywhere and not have to worry about how that system is maintained. When you outsource IT into the cloud, you will have more time, money, and flexibility than ever before. Doing it the old way - having the operator in-house…
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