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From Our Blog

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Why Office 365 Is Not a Do-It-Yourself Move
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team With fewer than eight percent of companies (of all sizes) adopting Office 365 (per a May 2014 Bitglass survey of 81,000 firms), we have to ask ourselves, “What is holding organizations back?” Office 365 is a great product, and its subscription model makes it affordable…
Oct 3 Blog
Evaluating the Value of a Network Assessment
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In last week’s blog, we introduced you to Shellshock, the software bug that has the entire technology world reeling due to its potential implications. Many firms, especially those with web servers, may have affected (but not necessarily infected) machines on their network and not even…
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The Shellshock Bug: Is Your Company at Risk?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Have you heard of “Shellshock”―the newest computer vulnerability to hit the news? If so, you may be wondering if your firm is at risk. Or, perhaps you heard that Shellshock doesn’t affect Windows devices, so you have dismissed it as a non-event for your office.…
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Is Your Team Collaborating Remotely?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team We recently came across a study, released earlier this year, about the challenges that professionals face with remote collaboration. The survey, which queried some 5,000 business professionals at various levels, was quite interesting. As a whole, the group named poor audio and video quality to…
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IT Departments Overloaded and Constricted, Yet Boardroom Has No Clue, New Survey Shows
By the DynaSis Team The results of a survey, conducted this year at an IT support conference, indicates that corporate IT departments are stretched way too thin and at the same time constricted by lack of budget (36 percent), resources (24 percent) or team skills (20 percent). Furthermore, 44 percent…
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Are You Onboard the VoIP Train?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In August 2014, a new study about small and medium business (SMB) adoption of VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol―also known as Internet calling) was released by Software Advice. The results were so compelling we thought we’d share them with you. The study found that although…
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Exploring System Availability: What Can’t You Live Without?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In our last article, we talked about some important technology assessments and their value to your business and IT success. In this article, we’ll talk about another type of IT assessment― establishing a workable goal for the level of “uptime” (technology continuity) you require. Ultimate…
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IT Assessments: Discover Where You Are So You Can Move Ahead
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team There’s an old adage that says, “You can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” With technology, we think it’s more accurate to say, “You can’t decide where you want to go unless you know where you are, right now.”…
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Malware and Cyberattacks: The Culprit May Be Close to Home
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team The media gives a lot of coverage to cyberattacks and their perpetrators, but the reality for many businesses is that the blame for security breaches lies inside the office. Criminals in faraway countries may design and launch the attacks, but if a company is stoutly…
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How Technology Changes the Way Your Business “Works”
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team On August 14, Forbes published an interesting article entitled Technology Will Change Your Job: How to Prepare. It’s no secret that technology changes our work lives (and our personal lives). It increases productivity enormously, for example. It also makes it easier to stay “plugged in”…
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