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From Our Blog

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Infrastructure as a Service: What It Is and Why You Need It
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)—a cloud computing solution wherein a firm’s data servers and other related resources reside in an offsite data center rather than at the organization’s physical location—is fast becoming a solution of choice among modern businesses. Servers no longer need to be…
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Evaluating Your Business Activities—Are All of Them Helping Your Business?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Every day, business leaders—or their employees or vendors—engage in a variety of activities to keep the business running. Does that mean every single one is beneficial? Before you answer, consider this. There are plenty of activities, such as firing a problematic worker who wasn’t properly…
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Is Your Organization Taking Advantage of Modern Technologies?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team For many small and midsized businesses (SMBs), having up-to-date technology means running Windows 7 or 8 and having servers and desktops that are only a few years old. That’s a good start, but there are many other modern technologies that businesses can implement to increase…
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The Economics of Business Continuity
[featured_image] In the daily rush of “important” business functions like sales, accounting and other hard-dollar activities, it’s easy for business owners to cross their fingers and dismiss disaster recovery and business continuity concerns, figuring that the odds are in their favor. After all, the Small Business Administration reports that only…
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Employee-Supplied Devices (BYOD)―What’s Your Stance?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team BYOD―Bring Your Own Device, a program were employees use their own devices for work tasks, is moving from being an option to becoming a certainty. A 2015 report from research firm Tech Pro found that 60% of companies currently allow BYOD, with another 14% planning…
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What Office Stressor Is Killing Work Productivity?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Productivity, one of the four essentials for a successful business in today’s competitive environment, can also be surprisingly elusive. Depending on which study you read, any number of stressors can reduce office productivity. One study reports that travel problems―such as traffic and road construction―leaves more…
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More Cloud News Reinforces Its Dominance
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Recently, we read that e-commerce giant Alibaba, in partnership with Xi’an International Medical Investment and DHC Software, is building the first “cloud hospital.” This doesn’t mean that patients will be “seeing” doctors or receiving treatment through the cloud, of course. Rather, the team aims to…
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Breaking Up with Dropbox: Finding a Better Solution for File Storage, Sync and Sharing
[featured_image] File sharing and synchronization between multiple devices have become near-necessities for most businesses in today’s corporate environment. Among the three IT “pillars” for business today―mobility, security and availability―two are strongly tied to company personnel having anytime, anywhere access to corporate files. That usually (but not always) means a move…
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Finding Money in the Cloud
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In the past year, several reports have been published announcing that businesses are moving to the cloud for more than cost savings. The cloud is more secure than most on-premise systems, one report says. The cloud fosters greater workforce mobility and productivity, says another. A…
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Risk Mitigation through IT Planning
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team As a company focused on IT solutions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), we generally think of risk reduction in terms of technology―either reducing the risk to the business if it experiences IT outages (for any reason) or reducing the risks if its security is…
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