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From Our Blog

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Can Super Computers Dupe Humans? New Test Results Say Yes
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] One of the biggest pieces of news you might not have heard was that last week (June 10), for the first time ever, a computer program passed the “Turing Test.” This test determines if a computer can persuade 30% of questioners that they are engaging…
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SMBs and New Technologies: They Like Them, but They Don’t Use Them
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] With technology gurus and media touting the benefits and adoption rates of advanced technologies such as cloud computing, one might assume that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. A new study from Ipsos Research (commissioned by Microsoft) shows that for SMBs (small to midsized businesses),…
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Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android Devices: Have You Tried It Yet?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] One of the three characteristics that IT solutions must possess to propel business success and efficiency, in our opinion, is mobility. Microsoft appears to agree, and has been making big strides in its effort to develop solutions that transcend the barrier of desktop versus mobile,…
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Have You Scheduled Your Quarterly Business Review?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Across the board, IT experts recommend that organizations conduct quarterly business reviews (QBRs). Whether these transpire with internal IT staff and key company stakeholders or between third-party IT providers and those same stakeholders, they are crucial to keeping an IT plan on track. Why is this?…
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Business Mobility Continues to Drive Productivity; Agility
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]In the last few weeks, we’ve come across more studies and reports that highlight the value to businesses of mobility and availability, and we wanted to share them with you. First, Forrester Research last week released a brief entitled, “Microsoft Office Crosses The Cloud Rubicon: The…
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Small Business Week Survey Reveals Opportunities for Small Businesses
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] In conjunction with the kickoff of National Small Business Week, Time Warner announced the results of its most recent survey about small business technology trends. The survey results were illuminating, to say the least, and we thought you might find them interesting. Despite interest in cloud…
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Proactive Hardware Upgrades Save Money; Increase Productivity; Reduce Corporate Stress and Downtime
By the DynaSis Team For company management, the thought of replacing server hardware is daunting, at best. Not only are servers and other core hardware expensive, but the disruption that replacement causes can be considerable. As a result, many firms bumble along with aging servers, replacing them only when they…
Hard Drive Crash
Planning for Data Backups: Don’t Let Disasters Take the Lead
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] few decades ago, when mechanical hard drives were notoriously prone to failure, the technology media often issued dire warnings about the dangers of not having a good data backup. That was in the days when tape backups were the norm, and companies that hadn’t experienced the…
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The Heartbleed Bug: Did It Bite You?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] Week of April 7, the tech world was in a frenzy with news of the Heartbleed bug. Websites scrambled to close the flaw and notify their users that they were protected. Some security experts proclaimed that everyone, everywhere, should change all their Internet passwords―but not…
Network Mgmt
Making Sense of Your Network Speeds
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Have your employees complained about slow connections to either the Internet or the company network? Have you tested your upload/download network speeds at the server and found them to be fine? One of the issues small and medium-sized businesses face is getting the fast throughput (transfer…
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