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From Our Blog

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2015: The Year of Hybrid IT; Data-Driven Business Improvement
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team The approach of a new year always brings a bevy of predictions for what will happen in IT, many of which fit our idea of “pie in the sky.” This year, however, two in particular caught our eye. Managed service providers (MSPs) and co-location providers…
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Leadership in a Digital World
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team For the final article of 2014, we thought it would be interesting to share some thoughts on leadership. A few decades ago, a major component of being a great leader was leading in your physical space―being in touch not only with your employees but also…
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Top Virtualization Trends of 2015
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team For more than a decade, virtualization has been a well-promoted solution for achieving flexibility and security with on-premise (in-office) servers. With virtualization, a company and/or its IT vendor “carves” a server or dedicated storage device into multiple virtual servers/drives (these deployments are called virtual machines,…
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Business Continuity: Will Your Plans Serve the Business When You Need Them?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Despite decades of advocacy by IT and disaster recovery experts regarding the importance of off-site backups, crisis communication plans and other elements of business survival, many companies still don't have a functional plan for business continuity in the wake of a disaster or major disruption.…
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Administrative Access: A Pandora’s Box that Lets Cybercriminals Attack Your Firm
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In Greek mythology, Pandora was a woman who accidentally unleashed all the ills of the world because she couldn’t resist opening the box that was holding them captive. For small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), administrative access at the user level―letting untrained employees have full access…
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Year-End IT Planning for Optimal Tax Advantages
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team With the end of 2014 quickly approaching, many small and medium-sized business owners (SMBs) maybe already looking ahead to 2015 projects. However, in early December there is still time to take advantage of SMB incentive programs that confer significant tax advantages. One of these is…
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Mobile and Social Technologies: Organizations Engaging Customers but not Achieving Greater Internal Productivity
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Another interesting survey came across our desk recently - this one about the use of social and mobile technologies. According to research from UK-based Advanced Business Solutions (ABS), companies* are using social and mobile outlets to increase their customer engagement, but they’re not putting them…
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Spear Phishing Attacks: Dangerous, Sophisticated and Total Avoidable
By the DynaSis Team In early September, we wrote about cyber-attacks and the role that human gullibility plays in them. (If you didn’t read that blog, the answer is “a very, very big one.”) We also offered some suggestions to help business owners protect themselves against vulnerability. Now, we’ve come…
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Cloud Computing Is Becoming Ubiquitous; to Consume Three-Quarters of Data Center Traffic by 2018
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Have you thought about the cloud lately? Are you thinking of moving your corporate assets to the cloud, or have you already done so? If not, get ready for a wake-up call. The cloud is expanding across everyone and into everything, whether we like it…
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“The Internet of Things” and Its Relevance for SMBs
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Have you heard of “The Internet of Things,” and if so, do you know what it is? This term is being bandied about in the media a lot recently, but it is certainly not self-explanatory, and we suspected that many business owners – not to…
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