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From Our Blog

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Availability: One of Your Most Important Assets
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Availability has become a pervasive buzzword regarding technology, but what does it really mean? More importantly, is it as vital to your operation as IT providers would have you believe? In the technology world, availability is used as a formal term for uptime—the amount of…
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DynaSis Debuts “Improving Business through Technology” Article Series for the C-Suite
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team As a company that helps small and mid-sized businesses (SMB) adopt technology as a true enabler of their success, we frequently answer the question, “How, exactly, does technology drive my business forward?” Many business leaders see technology as a requisite support system for conducting their…
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Few Mid-Sized Businesses Have Tested Their Continuity Plans, New Study Finds
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Does your company have a business continuity plan? If so, do you test it? If you answered "Yes" to the first question and "No" to the second, you are in good company. A recent survey of mid-sized business owners and C-level executives, conducted by The…
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Private Cloud Deployment Can Be Easy
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team In a follow up to last week’s article about cloud adoption, we wanted to take a closer look at private clouds and the issues surrounding them. To date, per a recent “State of the Cloud” study, public cloud deployment far outpaces that of private cloud—88%…
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Cloud Adoption High for Mission-Critical Workloads, New Studies Reveal
Two cloud-specific reports have confirmed each other's conclusions—that a larger percentage of organizations now trust cloud solutions for mission-critical activities and workloads. The reports also offer strong evidence that supports the Cloud's value proposition as more than a cost-cutting strategy, an assertion that we at DynaSis have been making for…
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Is Your Mobility Solution Up to the Challenge of Today's Business Environment?
[featured_image] Last week, we offered some insights into the current state of enterprise mobility and made several recommendations business leaders could implement to keep their mobile strategy updated. This week, we'll offer a list of "mobility "must haves"—features that any mobility platform should offer to ensure optimal worker productivity and…
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Is Your Mobile Strategy Keeping Up with Your Employees?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team Although the near-ubiquitous popularity of mobile devices is hard to escape, we are often surprised at how many business decision makers don't recognize how this trend is impacting today's businesses. For firms to thrive, business leaders must understand and adjust for the considerable effect that…
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Strategies for Deploying Corporate “Cloud VoIP”
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team For small and midsized businesses (SMBs), the appeal of cloud VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), also called cloud PBX, is undeniable. Call quality has improved dramatically in recent years, and they offer advanced communication features, such as unified calling and messaging, that enable both workers…
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Finding Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team We recently came across an interesting case study of the City of Asheville, which transitioned its disaster recovery solution from being on-site to being hosted in the Cloud. In doing so, the city not only gained redundant failover capabilities, it also reduced its recovery time…
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Will Your Data Be There When You Need It?
[featured_image] By the DynaSis Team For as long as man has been able to scratch an image on a wall, people have been saving “data.” From etching on stone tablets to writing on papyrus, humans have always recognized the value of archiving information we consider important. Today, data and data…
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