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From Our Blog

digital disruption affects IT services
Digital Disruption: How it Affects IT Services
Digital disruption is all around us. It’s unlikely that you haven’t heard the term “disruption” referring to new businesses that are taking over large segments of existing market places. But what exactly is this type of disruption and, as the word sounds, is it an entirely bad phenomenon for IT…
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The Power of Virtualization
Imagine you had a computer (we know you do, but play along). Imagine how much you could accomplish with that computer. Now imagine that you had four employees…but only one computer. If they all took turns on that computer, productivity would be a bit impacted. Well, maybe not a “bit”,…
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The Value of an IT Assessment
Here at DynaSis, as a managed IT services provider, we offer prospective clients complimentary IT and Network Assessments. The assessment gives the business-person a good look at where the company’s IT infrastructure stands at that moment regarding a number of potential security issues as well as understanding where it stands…
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Employee Training as a Cyber Security Tool
The results of two recent surveys indicate that computer network support professionals working for “enterprise level companies” agree that a company’s own employees are often its weakest link in protecting against cyber-crime. (For specifics on these surveys and more information on the subject of employee training in general, read our…
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Some Thoughts on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device to Work)
Most companies these days allow, or even insist, that employees use one or more of their own devices for work. Rather than causing resentment, the majority of employees actually prefer using their own phones, tablets or laptops, rather than having to carry two of the same type device. They are…
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Unreported Cyber Crime
Cybercrime complaints to the FBI exceeded 300,000 in 2017 with an estimated loss of almost $1,500,000,000. The thing is, the Department of Justice estimates that only 1 in 7 criminal incidents are ever reported. That brings the estimated totals to 2,100,000 incidents and $10,500,000,000 in losses. Why is that? First…
Email Security & The Threat Within Your Office
Many people are surprised to learn that today’s number one cyber security threat is email. Deeply concerned about all levels of IT security, we recently published a white paper analyzing the various threats and how to thwart them, as well as how we here at DynaSis work to make our…
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Co-Managed / Co-Sourced IT...A Great Solution for a Growing Business
Today’s small business typically starts without a clear picture of how they are going to manage IT. After all, the firm probably started with one to three people, all with computers but no networking, and maybe sharing documents through A) a consumer-grade document sync app (bad idea), B) Microsoft Office…
Is Your Business a Digital Business?
Is Your Business a Digital Business? It Better Be! If not, you’re likely to be edged out and become a dinosaur in a modern world. To be fair today, today every business is a digital business. Do you use email? Accounting software? Do you do research online? Do you have…
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Compliance: A Competitive Advantage
Compliance can actually be a competitive advantage. Yes, compliance can be a pain in the butt. Yes, the current administration has been eliminating a lot of regulations so for some industries, compliance has become somewhat easier. But, no, not all compliance regulations are not going away, and, no, not all…
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