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From Our Blog

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Modern Officing: A Core of Technology, Lightly Wrapped in Technology
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]You may have noticed us alluding to a new term: Modern Officing, rather than talking about the Modern Office, which is often defined as an office environment not constrained by time or place, where technology powers the anytime-anywhere concept. That concept has now morphed into a…
The Mobile Corporation: More than a Connection
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Business owners hear frequently that they should have a good mobile site or application for their customer-facing efforts (e.g. sales or marketing), but what about corporate mobile apps? Are those important too? Depending on your business model, the answer can yes―or no. Corporate apps can be…
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Is 2014 Your Year to Embrace Social Business?
By the DynaSis Team Last year, we published an article that introduced the concept of Social Business and hinted at what it can do for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). We also promised to share more information to help you explore the value of this approach. Social business, as we…
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Is Your IT Department Losing Control of Technology Innovation?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]In 2013, the CEB (Corporate Executive Board), the world’s leading member-based advisory company, published its 2013–2014 IT Budget Benchmark study, developed from the responses of 165 member organizations. The study found that CIOs are not increasing their spending on innovation, whereas HR, operations, finance and marketing…
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Wrapping Up 2013 with More Improvements for Our Customers
By the DynaSis Team At DynaSis, we are continually working to make improvements, providing our customers with products and services that are faster, more powerful and more secure. This year, we have taken great strides in several areas, including introducing an affordable, secure cloud file system that just may revolutionize…
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The Cloud Continues to Amaze Us
Have you thought about The Cloud recently? We're not referring to the puffy bits of condensed moisture that float above us, but rather to the interconnected web of data, applications, services and other components, both public and private, that we now know as The Cloud. DynaSis thought about The Cloud…
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Don’t Miss an Expiring Opportunity for End-of-Year IT Investments
[featured_image]By the DynaSis Team In case you have forgotten, the $500,000 Section 179 tax deduction, which was extended to 2013 through approval of H.R. 8: American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, has not been carried over for 2014. Although Congress is considering extending the bonus depreciation rules for another three…
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Assessing Your IT Future
by Dave Moorman Given the state of the economy in the past few years, many small and medium businesses (SMBs) have taken a “wait and see” approach to IT spending. While this attitude is understandable, it positions companies to become reactive rather than proactive. The reality of IT is that…
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Achieving Functional Flexibility in the Workplace: Welcome to the Modern Office
[featured_image]By the DynaSis Team I read an interesting article in Forbes online recently, about “the death of the office.” In it, contributor Jeanne Meister postulated about what the office of the future will look like. One comment struck me as especially worthy of further consideration: “As work becomes more flexible…
Malware Attacks Continue to Accelerate in 2013
[featured_image]By the DynaSis Team Earlier this year, we offered some information and advice on malware and cyber-attacks, but the news surrounding these threats has become so concerning that an update is in order. Recently, a new Trojan horse named CryptoLocker surfaced. (A Trojan horse is malware that masquerades as beneficial.)…
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