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From Our Blog

cloud computing
The Cloud Continues to Prove Its Value
By the DynaSis Team We talked about the benefits of cloud computing several times in our articles―and published survey results where executives of adopting companies tout its value. Today, we’re going to share some independent, concrete figures that may impress you. A February 2014 study by technology research firm Computer…
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Office 2013 Versus Office 365: Which One Is Better for Your Business? (Part 2)
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Last week, we talked about your options and considerations for purchasing and installing Office 2013. This week, we’ll discuss Office 365 and give you some financial comparisons. Office 365 For a fee ranging from $12.50 - $22 per user, per month (billed annually), you can license…
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Office 2013 Versus Office 365: Which One Is Better for Your Business? (Part 1)
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]When Microsoft debuted Office 365, the technology world was buzzing. For the first time, Microsoft was offering Office in a SaaS (software as a service) model, which meant that companies (and consumers) could lease the product for a monthly fee. Today, businesses looking to upgrade their…
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Cyber Security: A Scary World Just Keeps Getting Scarier
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]The weekend before we posted this article, news broke that Google’s DNS server had been hacked. The DNS (domain name system) is a system that assigns and keeps track of the Internet addresses for every Internet-connected resource. A DNS server uses this information to translate the…
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Aloha Windows XP…Hello Windows 8?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]In last week’s blog, we talked about the upcoming end-of-support date for Windows XP (April 8, 2014) and touched upon the two migration options―Windows 7 or Windows 8 (8.1 is the most recent release). Although Windows 7 will “look” more familiar to users, Windows 8 helps…
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Saying Goodbye to Windows XP
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]After 12 years, Microsoft will end support for Windows XP on April 8, 2014. Once support ends, Microsoft will issue no further security updates and will not offer any technical support for the Windows XP operating system (OS). Although Managed IT Services firms like DynaSis can…
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Using Technology to Manage Customer Relationships: Is Facial Recognition a Step too Far?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Recently, ran an article about a facial recognition software solution that retailers can use to determine the moods of their customers. They can then act on that information; for example, if customers appear angry or upset, they could send more staff out, perhaps with samples.…
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How Are You Spending Your IT Dollars in 2014?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Two major IT research firms―Gartner, Inc. and Forrester Research―have announced their 2014 IT spending forecasts, and they indicate some interesting patterns that we believe small and medium businesses (SMBs) should consider. Forrester predicts worldwide technology spending will grow 6.2 percent to $2.2 trillion in 2014. More…
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The Malware Supply Chain: Malicious Attacks Take on a Corporate Edge
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]In late 2013, Internet security firm Fireeye released some disturbing news. Their research had uncovered evidence that a string of sophisticated, seemingly unrelated malware attacks had a common origin. Fireeye referred to the effort as a “broader offensive fueled by a shared development and logistics infrastructure.”…
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When Bad Weather Shuts Down Your Office, Does It Shut Down the Workplace, Too?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image]Recent weather events in Atlanta and other southern cities have reinforced to many business owners their vulnerability when workers are unable to come to the office. “Snowpocalypse 2014” garnered national headlines for good reason, with thousands of commuters becoming trapped on icy roads―some for as many…
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