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From Our Blog

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Running Your Servers in the Cloud: If You Are not Doing It, Read This!
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] For close to a decade, providers and the media have touted cloud servers, also known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which can also provide IT support, as a way for business owners to end the expensive, disruptive cycle of break and fix. Small and…
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Data Security Policies: What’s Important?
By the DynaSis Team In past articles, we have discussed the value of written policies to direct and define expectations for corporate security. We have talked about the importance of having strong employee security policies that not only educate but also clarify what behaviors are unacceptable—and potentially actionable. As we…
data breach
Hacking the “Big Boys”—Small Businesses Become Pawns
By the DynaSis Team As if it wasn’t bad enough that cybercriminals are targeting small and midsized businesses (SMBs) for their internal corporate data, attackers have discovered another reason to “love” SMBs. Smaller companies often have far less sophisticated security defenses against cybercrime than larger enterprises. For an attacker seeking…
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Shadow IT: The Threat Is in Your Office
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] You may have seen the term “shadow IT” in the news and wondered what it means. Maybe you assume it refers to underground technology groups—shady characters doing bad deeds in dark corners. In reality, shadow IT is much closer to home. The term refers to…
Cybercrime: How Small and Midsized Businesses Are Becoming Victims
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] As cybercrime has evolved from home-grown hacker groups to sophisticated, distributed criminal organizations, perpetrators have become more wily—and more persistent—in their attack methods. Further exacerbating the dangers for small and midsized businesses (SMBs), the tools for sophisticated attack have now become widely available and inexpensive.…
security blog
Cybersecurity Takes Center Stage…or Does It?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] Cybersecurity, already a hot topic in the news, has moved to an even brighter spotlight now that the presidential candidates are discussing it. The merits of their positions are not for us to debate here. However, their actions underscore the idea that cybersecurity is an issue of concern to the…
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VoIP: Should It Be on Your Christmas List?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] Although the cost benefits of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone services are well-documented, business decision makers considering VoIP want more than just savings. Software Advice, a Gartner Research company, reported in 2014 that among companies with revenues of less than $100 million, business owners…
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Developing a Mobile Policy that Your Personnel Will Actually Follow
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] With mobile devices presenting one of today’s biggest corporate threats (the biggest threat, according to one study), companies must make sure the mobile devices of their workforce are secure. Encouraging workers to follow mobile device policies and protocols, however, can be a real challenge. This…
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The Cloud Is Calling…Is Your Company Ready to Answer?
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] With small and midsized businesses now enthusiastically embracing the cloud, shrewd business owners are asking themselves if their firms are ready for cloud adoption—and the migration effort it entails. Moving to cloud computing without first evaluating the organization’s needs, level of technology sophistication, risk tolerance…
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Building Business through Technology
By the DynaSis Team [featured_image] Although a growing number of business owners understand that technology can increase productivity and reduce risk, in our experience, only a few have made a solid connection between technology and their company’s financial health. In his recent article, “Technology Outcomes Every C-Level Executive Should Expect,”…
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