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Operating in the Cloud: Where Should You Turn for Help?

By DynaSis

I was perusing the Internet recently when I saw a pop-up ad for an IT services firm that offered both cloud storage and managed cloud storage. Essentially, this company rents its clients raw space on cloud servers for a very low fee, but if a client wants any help getting its data to the servers, or managing it for optimal efficiency and access, there is an additional cost―and a pretty hefty one, too.

For large enterprises with a team of in-house IT experts, I can see the appeal of utilizing the “storage only” option. Why pay for third-party cloud management when you have staff that can load your files to the cloud, manage the security and continuity of connections and access mechanisms, and otherwise keep the cloud functioning?

The problem for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is that they usually don’t have the expertise to perform these tasks. They buy some of the cheap cloud storage, realize they are out of their depth, technically, and end up spending big bucks for minimal assistance creating and managing their cloud environments.

Companies that plan their move to the cloud and thoroughly explore their options can avoid such unnecessary, tacked-on expenses. Many competent IT providers―and not just bulk cloud storage vendors―host managed cloud servers and include IT assistance as part of an economically priced package. For even more ROI, they often can bundle them with other services that help secure a company’s on-site network and IT resources, as well.

Furthermore, there are now solutions that can turn a company’s local (in-house) servers into cloud servers quickly, inexpensively and with very stringent security. DynaSis recently developed one of these solutions, DynaSis BLUE, for its customers. A tiny software agent, installed on an in-house server, enables authorized individuals to access company-designated files, folders and applications securely over an Internet connection. The agent consumes minimal space and system resources on the server itself.

This is just one example of the many ways companies are going to the cloud without blowing their budgets on unexpected, tacked-on expenses. Our Cloud Readiness Assessment can help you evaluate whether your company is ready for the cloud and determine which model might suit you best.

To learn more, give me a call.

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