You have no doubt been hearing about cloud networks over the past few years and understand that many businesses are searching for more and more ways to utilize this technology. As with most everything new that comes along, there are benefits and challenges. That said, you don’t want to be the company that fails to embrace new technology and find yourself being left behind. To do so you may find yourself virtually irrelevant when being considered by potential new customers or clients as they choose to partner with firms similar to yours, but that are more up-to-date in terms of network security, versatility, and speed to market. Here at DynaSis, having provided IT support in Atlanta for more than a quarter century, we can give you proper guidance in determining your best way forward.
One of the first decisions we will help you make is to determine the type of network in which you need to invest: public, private, or hybrid. A private cloud network is usually one that is owned by a large company and only serves that company, while public cloud networks are generally owned by major corporations and serve many companies of all sizes. There are also public clouds owned by very small companies, but we advise you to be very careful before engaging with this type of vendor as security may be a concern. Hybrid clouds, as the term implies, combines features of public and private. Which one to use is a determination in which we, as an IT support company in Atlanta, can give you guidance, but for the purpose of this blog, let’s take a quick look at the different deployment models.
In a private cloud computing model, a company uses its own proprietary architecture to run its own cloud servers within its own data center. This is what we call “single tenant architecture”. Your own hardware is used within your own premises and your IT team has direct control of the underlying infrastructure.
In this cloud computing model, a third party, generally a significantly sized company or major corporation, provides complete computing resources over the internet. Because the vendor is providing a complete service, the customer (your company) does not need on-premises server hardware. This is what we call “multi-tenant” architecture. Costs can be variable with rapid adjustments made as business’s computing requirements change.
This, of course, is a mixture of the above, combining some of the benefits of public and private.
Choosing between the different cloud models requires an in-depth look at your current infrastructure. DynaSis provides a complementary IT network and security assessment. During the assessment a highly experienced Solutions Architect and staff will analyze your network for capacity, security, speed, flexibility, and how up-to-date all your equipment is in terms of technical support and expected life.
If you choose, we will then provide you with cost estimates that may include new equipment that can be financed in such a way that your upgraded service and equipment actually costs the same or even less than your current costs. Because we assume the financial risk of the new equipment, we have the incentive to make sure it is always running at peak performance. This is truly a win-win situation.
Want to learn more about our IT support in Atlanta? Give us a call today at 770-629-9615 or contact us online. And remember, we are DynaSis: The Right Choice for Your IT Support!
Imagine you had a computer (we know you do, but play along). Imagine how much you could accomplish with that computer. Now imagine that you had four employees…but only one computer. If they all took turns on that computer, productivity would be a bit impacted. Well, maybe not a “bit”, but a lot. Now imagine four computers, one for each of your people. A lot more work, but a lot more expense. Now imagine that instead each of your people working at separate full-blown computers, your IT service set your company up so that they were working at four “dumb” workstations that all relied on a single more powerful “server” computer store applications and files and feed them to the workstations as needed. Here is what you have accomplished:
This whole process is called “virtualization”. By using virtualization software, your IT service able to effectively turn a single computer into four computers. Under this scenario, the workstations we mentioned above are called “clients” and are served by the “server” computer. The virtualization software is called a “hypervisor”…yes, it comes from the word “supervisor”. What your IT service did was take one more powerful computer and with the use of this software, turn it into four “virtual” computers, also known as virtual machines, or VMs. Each of these VMs is called an “environment.” (Sorry for all the Geek talk).\
What’s also really cool is that each of these virtual machine environments can run its own operating system. Windows, Linux, Apple OS. All can run simultaneously on this single computer and feed appropriate apps and docs to each client.
Now imagine a company with a lot more than four employees. Imagine a company with 50 employees. Instead of 50 full-blown computers, because of virtualization, your IT service can set your company up so you are using only 10 more powerful units, with 50 “dumb” workstations. Yes, the savings are multiplied, but we have accomplished a lot more than that. A server computer that serves five or six workstations does not need the computing power of five or six single computers. The full computing power of a basic computer may be needed on rare occasion but is extremely unlikely to be needed all the time and the need for the full computing power of six computers at the same time would be so rare that it is almost unthinkable. All this matters because, since the computing power of the server computer is shared between the six workstations, and since it would be rare indeed for even one workstations to require its full computing power, the server can get away with, say, the equivalent of four regular computers’ computing power, which your IT service can install for a lot less money. The computing power is then shared, applied to each workstation as needed.
Virtualization is a powerful tool that is used extensively in cloud computing and is something you may want to learn more about. If you do, read our recent article (with some cool illustrations) on Understanding Virtualization. And if you want to know how it can benefit your company, give us a call here at DynaSis at 678-373-0716, because we have been at the forefront of small to mid-sized business computing since 1992.
If you follow our weekly DynaSis blogs, you know that we regularly put out some very important information. As much as we would like to believe that you eagerly await each Tuesday’s post, read every one, and even save many of them, realistically speaking, in today’s impossibly busy work environment, we know that’s just not true. Consequently, we have decided to recap some of those from the past year that we believe can be most helpful to you, and give you links to the full posts.
Cloud Back-up for Business Speed & Efficiency
Mobility and efficiency have been given much greater emphasis by businesses over the past ten years, all made possible by the tremendous advances we have seen in technology. Employees can now remain fully connected to their offices and peers while they are on the road. This post will help bring you up to date on how these technologies can make your business more mobile, and will also let you know how cloud technology can protect your business from data loss, corruption and theft while your people are traveling or working from home. See the full post here.
Solving Major Problems Before They Become Major Ones
This addresses a partial list of problems that may erupt, including your network going down and along with it your email, phones, and internet; printers and other devices not working; computers freezing; slow performance; corrupted files; recurring viruses; and so much more. The basic concept of solving these minor problems before they become major ones has long been one of our major driving principles and in this post, we discuss why. See the full post here.
Making Technology Work for Your Company
We always say that “today every company is a technology company” and we find that becomes more true with every passing year. Technology is great in so many ways, but when it moves so quickly, it can be very hard to keep up. In this blogpost, we look at how managed IT support companies in Atlanta, like DynaSis, can keep you up to speed on the latest developments for both business productivity and cyber security. See the full post here.
Myths About Managed IT Support Managed IT support (or managed IT service) means outsourcing some or all of your IT support to a third part provider. For some business executives, this seems a bit scary, like you are giving up important control. In this blog post we address concerns such as: “Outsourcing is more expensive (it’s not)”, “Outsourcing will make us less secure (not true)”, “Service levels will suffer (the opposite is true)”, “Outsourcing only works for large companies (it’s best for small to mid-sized firms)”, etc. This post is a great way to begin a conversation with us that can lead to a complimentary IT service and security assessment so you can better understand where your IT network is today, and where it can be in the future. See the full post here.
VoIP Training for Non-Technical Employees
This blogpost addresses modern VoIP telephone systems from two perspectives: first, most end-users (your employees) are unaware of most of the great features that modern phone systems provide. For some, productivity and efficiency can be significantly improved, and boredom and fatigue reduced, when they become more familiar. On another level, employee failure is still the leading cause of cyber security problems and this post also discusses how employee training can have a positive effect. See the full post here.
Speeding Up Slow Running PCs.
This is a problem we hear about fairly often, and one that can be prevented and/or fixed. In this post we explain how pre-installed software and bloated registry files, among other things, can cause slowdowns, and how this “clutter” can be eliminated. We also discuss the importance of installing software manufacturer updates on a regular basis. See the full post here.
We hope this “reboot” of some of our recent posts is helpful. And remember, at DynaSis we have been working with small to mid-sized businesses in Atlanta for more than a quarter century and would love to begin a no-obligation conversation and IT network and security assessment with you, so give us a call at 678-373-0716.
Cloud Migration Strategies for Small to Mid-Sized Businesses
While we recognize the relevancy of keeping data storage on premises for many small to mid-sized businesses, we also recognize that for many other companies, moving data to the cloud is often the next logical step in computing. This migration can lead to cost savings through workload reductions as well as capital equipment costs. Add to this unlimited scalability and the ability of your employees to access data from anywhere, at home, on the road, even on vacation, along with increased network protection, and the logic starts to add up.
But making the move isn’t necessarily the easiest thing in the world. Cloud migration has great benefits for many companies, and is something we believe you should at least consider, but in order to make the implementation flow smoothly, you need to plan this out. Here are our thoughts on making this happen:
Cloud Infrastructure
In broad terms, there are three types of cloud infrastructure that can be examined.
Public: These include well-known companies such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Compute. All three have tremendous scalability but also provide their clients with less control…you have to follow their rules. If you have to deal with strict government regulations, this could become problematic.
Private: While private clouds will give you more control, which can also give you better performance and even a higher level of security, your in-house IT team and/or your managed IT service provider will have to remain involved. Many companies have determined that this is the option that works best for them because of the control and security issues.
Hybrid: Hybrid systems, where some data and functionality reside in the cloud and some within your own facility, are also a common choice. A qualified managed IT support company can help you make this determination.
The DynaSis Business Cloud can be implemented as a public, private or a hybrid solution. Contact us for an analysis.
Data Backup & Disaster Recovery
Nothing in the IT world is more critical than effective, professional data back-up and recovery preparedness. Stuff happens. Brilliant cyber criminals are at work 24 x 7 figuring out how to steal, destroy, and/or lockdown your data files. Equipment crashes. Fires happen. Floods happen. Tornadoes and hurricanes happen. Employee theft and destruction happen. Your customers may be sympathetic to your problems when these things occur, but they fully and rightly expect you to be back up and running just as soon as possible. You need to review and understand the service level agreements (SLAs) provided by your service providers. You and your managed IT support provider, or your in-house IT team, need to set proper recovery point objectives (RPOs) and recovery time objectives (RTOs), and understand how these will be met.
Data Governance & Security
Cloud migration is a disruptive process. Please don’t think that you can totally eliminate the disruption. You can’t. But you can manage it. You are also going to have to accept that giving up some level of control of your data is not necessarily a bad thing. If you are a large company with a large in-house IT team, you probably have a number of individuals on whom you can rely for network security. A small to mid-sized company, however, even with its own small in-house IT team, cannot afford the level of support and security that the right IT support company, along with the right level of cloud storage and data backup, can provide. If you carefully research and choose the right partners, you will soon take comfort in the services they provide.
Many companies delay looking into cloud solutions, or managed IT services, because they believe these will increase their expenses. Here at DynaSis, we almost always find that our clients’ costs are less than they were previously spending, plus they have all the benefits started above, along with having a tremendous operational burden lifted.
At DynaSis we have been providing managed IT support to Atlanta’s business community for more than 25 years. If you would like us to provide you with a complementary IT Network and Security Assessment, please give us a call at 678-373-0716 or visit us at
Business has changed a great deal over the past decade with more and more emphasis being given to mobility and efficiency. Technology has made tremendous advances possible, which enable employees to remain connected while out of the office, whether they are working from home or on the road. If you are the owner or an executive of a small to mid-sized company, while you may be aware of some of the technology available to you, you may not be aware of how using the cloud can help your business become fully mobile.
We suspect you already know that cloud backup is an important tool in fighting cyber-crime and in virtually eliminating the risk of data loss, data theft or data corruption, but we also see it as a valuable tool for employees who spend time working away from the office.
With technology like the DynaSis Business Cloud, for example, you know that employees always have access to their important files. A sales person from Atlanta who is visiting a client in California (or London, or Beijing) has the comfort of knowing that he/she can access any file, anywhere at anytime. Those of us who have spent time on the road know how it feels to believe you are fully prepared, that you have all the documents you need on your laptop or flash drive, only to discover that the client or prospect has unexpected questions that would best be answered by documents on your office desktop. How impressive would it be to have everything you need available with just a click? It not only shows that you are “business prepared”, it also shows that your company is technologically up-to-date. Today, that’s important.
There is also the matter of efficiency. CSpace, a multinational company dealing with a variety of business issues for their clients, uses the slogan “Moving at the speed of business.” The speed of today’s business is fast…very fast…and instant access helps you keep it moving that way. An annoying airport layover can turn into productive conversations with clients and prospects, or other team members. You have likely seen images of people sitting on the beach using their laptops from chaise lounges. While this may not be the ideal way to spend your vacation, it certainly beats coming back to the office to discover you lost “the big one.”
It put it succinctly, the cloud enables your mobile devices improved functionality which gives your employees improved productivity, which can only be positive for your bottom line.
There will be some who say that using the cloud in this manner opens the company up to security risks. Not so. Not when all mobile devices, both company owned and employee owned, that have access to your files are managed through a mobile device management system.
There is a lot of great technology out there and properly using it can help give you a competitive advantage. We have been working with small to mid-sized companies in Atlanta since 1992. If you have any questions, give us a call at 678-373-0716, or visit
To get a good sense of technology of the future, think back 20 years. You probably already had computers in your office. But if you needed even the smallest shred of information in the middle of the night, you had to drive back to your office or you were stymied. If that ever happened to you, at the time you were probably thinking that you were better off when everything was stored in a paper folder in your briefcase. Well, we’ve made a lot of progress since then, but with so much progress, with so many products and devices sitting on real and virtual shelves, that it’s hard to know what’s best for your company.
Among these advances are Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that gave you access to your information from your home computer. Now that capability has expanded and we can access all our data through a phone or tablet…assuming your network is set up properly. And thanks to Microsoft, we can also use Word, Excel and PowerPoint on these small devices. But this can be a potential problem as our devices tend to morph into each other…laptops, tablets, phones, cameras…many are performing the same functions. We have to be careful that in the future, this convergence into simper devices and/or more advanced applications doesn’t come back to bite us.
Here is an example of how this can happen if companies are not prepared for this convergence:
There are companies that went straight from Windows XP to Windows 10, bypassing Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. There is nothing wrong with making that transition providing the company provides proper and adequate training on the upgraded application. For those companies that did not, workflow came to a screeching halt. While it can be expensive for a company to always upgrade to the latest version of Windows, it is much easier on employees to move to each new version (baby steps) as it is released. (As an aside, as an IT Support provider, this is one reason we recommend Windows 365, which functions online and is always updated automatically with the latest and greatest, at no additional cost.)
Looking towards the future, we expect that the day will come when your data is in the cloud protected by encryption that can only be unlocked by your DNA or a chip that is actually embedded in you. It can already be done through iris recognition and retinal scanning.
Because of these advancements in primary technology, we will also see tremendous improvements in supportive technology. For example, early laptops came with about 30 minutes of battery power. Not much compared to the eight hours some provide today. But expect batteries that will last days, not hours.
Internet speeds have grown from your old dial-up of 56kb to up to 1 GB (not actually available yet, but coming). That’s 18,000 times faster. There are already 20 MB business internet speeds available. That’s still 3,600 times faster than dial-up. And soon you will be able to recharge your devices without having to plug them in. Wait! You can already do that with some simply by laying them on a charging pad. But you will soon it won’t be necessary to do even that. The electric power will flow through the airwaves.
As a managed IT support provider, we keep on top of all these developments, sometimes long before they are available so we can be prepared to prepare you. Over the next few months, we will be posting blogs about upcoming technology in many fields, so keep on reading!
Switching to a modern, feature-rich VoIP business telephone system can be a big plus for your business, adding significantly to your bottom line. But this only happens if your people understand the benefits of the system and are willing to learn how to use it. VoIP telephone systems do not require any technical expertise, but they do require VoIP telephone training and practice. The best systems offer features that can speed operations, add sales power, and assist with customer service, but this takes training and employee buy-in, so it’s important to involve your people at all levels of selection, as well as at deployment, to get them excited about the switch-over, rather than fearful and resistant.
Involving Your End-Users in the Selection Process
When management makes decisions that affect the entire company, they often forget to involve those people who are going to be most affected by those decisions on a day-to-day basis: the employees. Executives tend to mull over costs vs. savings, features that can improve the company’s functionality and solve current operational problems, etc., etc., while leaving out this important step. Your staff will be living with your decision every day, hands-on, and while the decision will ultimately be yours, you will actually be better equipped to make the best decision if you do bring your people into the discussion and listen to their concerns and suggestions.
Arrange Meaningful Training Sessions
Suddenly and unexpectedly changing a telephone system can be disconcerting even to the most level-headed and stable employee, making VoIP Telephone training important. Pre-installation overview sessions that explain general features is a good idea. Post-installation sessions that cover features in detail are critical, especially for non-technical types who tend to freak out when asked to learn anything of a technical nature. You know, the ones still using flip-phones.
If you are in the Atlanta Metro area and are looking for a new business telephone system that can be a huge business benefit, give us a call. In addition to custom VoIP systems and plans, as a managed IT support company, we set up well-defined training sessions that are based on specific goals and objectives that you set.
Sell the “Sizzle”: Focus on the Benefits Each End-User Will Experience
Each employee, particularly those that are neither technologically adept, nor bottom-line focused, will buy-in much more quickly if they can get their arms around those features that will benefit them by making their jobs easier. While you may understand the cost benefits and the positive sales and service implications the VoIP phone system brings to your business, not everyone who works for your company has the insight to see things that way. “How will affect me?” This should be a major goal of both pre and post-installation VoIP telephone training.
If you want to learn more about how modern VoIP business telephones can have a positive impact on your business, read our white paper “Your Telephone System as a Business Building Asset”. For a no-obligation discussion on VoIP cost vs benefit, call Chas Arnold, DynaSis CIO and Principal, at 678-373-0716.
Two weeks ago, we gave you some IT terminology that have become popular among IT support technicians. As before, we included simple definitions, with links to more detailed explanations:
Datafication: We know that data is increasing at an amazing rate datafication is the process through which businesses take information from people’s every-day lives and turn it into useful business data. The use of social media is a great example. It has become fairly common for businesses to use social media to determine personality characteristics of potential employees, replacing the personality tests that have been in use for many years. The use of social media has been proven to be more accurate. The accumulation of this data is often best accomplished through the Cloud.
Decentralized Cryptocurrency: No, it’s not something you would find in a cemetery. And, yes, cryptocurrency has developed something of an “underground” reputation as a form of payment that is used for nefarious purposes on the “dark web”, (not entirely undeserved) but in actuality, they are virtual “currencies”, meaning there are no physical representations, like bills or coins. Think of it like this: when you pay your credit card bill online, no one is going to a bank vault and taking a pile of dollar bills and transferring it from your money shelf to the credit card company’s money shelf. It is all done electronically. If, however, you wanted to walk into your credit card company’s office and hand them a stack of bills, they would take it. Cryptocurrency is like this except there is no hard currency alternative. You do buy your cryptocurrency (e.g. Bitcoin) with real money electronically, but after that, all transactions only take place over the Internet.
Gamification: Every day, as more young people enter the workforce, a larger and larger percentage of the nation’s employed grew up with video gaming as a major source of entertainment. Many employers, especially those that tend to employ younger people, have discovered that setting goals based on gaming protocols, rather than standard targets, prove more effective. For example, every sale completed may result is the awarding of “experience points”, and upon receiving a certain number of points, the employee “levels up” (reaching the next plateau.) When reaching a pre-set level, a cash or other prize is awarded. In other words, this is the “gamification” of goal setting.
Machine Learning: Machine learning is a function of AI, or Artificial Intelligence. What this means is that a computer gathers data from a variety of sources and then creates algorithms that uses this data to develop reliable predictions. This can help a business learn more about existing and potential clients needs and, thereby, increase the likelihood of making the sale.
Microservices: Microservices come from a form of software architecture in which easy piece of functionality is created as a separate program so as to be effectively independent of the other pieces. If a software customer needs a single piece of software functionality, they can purchase just that program and tie it together with similar standalone programs created by other software developers to end up with exactly the total functionality they need without having to have unique software written for them.
Open-Source: Open Source programs are those that are free and modifiable, and that can be used by anyone who wants to build an application around it. The use of open-source programs make the development of custom programs for small businesses affordable.
We hope these posts on terminology has been helpful. If there are any other terms, or anything at all about IT solutions or IT support that you are curious about, please feel free to speak with one of our team members at 678.373.0716, or visit us at
Cloud computing in Atlanta and the rest of the world has spread extensively and now more than 90% of small to mid-sized businesses either are already using the cloud for some aspects of their business, or expect to be in the near future. Frankly, most of these businesses are realizing that it is difficult to remain competitive today without the cloud. The downside, however, is that while the good guys (“white hats”) continue to make positive advances for their client businesses, the bad guys (“black hats”) are rapidly progressing, as well.
But before you go off and determine that your company is more secure in the technological middle ages (2000 to 2010?) and give up entirely on cloud computing, consider two things. First, there were hacked security breaches of all types even before the cloud and statistically speaking, the ratio of before and since seems to be about even. So, the question doesn’t appear to be “to cloud or not to cloud”, but rather, how do we use the cloud as securely as possible? Second, you are probably using the cloud right now, way more than you realize.
Do you synch your photos from iPhone to your computer? Do you use Facebook or Uber? If you do any of these things, or thousands of others whether personally or for business, you are using the cloud. In fact, as early as the 1990s ADP’s payroll service was using the cloud on a large scale, and today, if your paycheck comes via ADP, PayChex, Intuit, or any of hundreds of smaller payroll/HR companies, you are using the cloud.
Cloud Computing Security
Cloud computing in Atlanta, or anywhere else, when done properly, utilizes a lot more than just “systems” to overcome being hacked. It uses real people, on duty and monitoring, managing and maintaining your system 24 x 7 x 365. Cyber criminals don’t take off overnight. In fact, many of them who want access to your data are halfway around the world, so your midnight is their noon. This real-time live monitoring, combined with an advanced crypto-containment system and other advanced algorithms and processes, can instantly pick-up on early warning signs of a potentially successful attack and shut it down while it is still an “issue” and not a serious problem. The software can detect when something out of the ordinary is happening…something that deviates from normal operating functions and patterns, it shuts down the infected files and alerts your IT security incident response team.
A Better Raincoat
Someone recently compared using older methodologies of data protection versus using the cloud to trying to protect yourself from the rain by wearing animal skins versus today’s raincoats made of 100% water repellent fabric. Both will keep you dry…for a while…but one will give you way better protection than the other.
Either way, you will be hacked. Count on it. The question is, how will your IT support team and your IT security network respond? We have seen networks “repel” literally tens of thousands of attack attempts, until one brand new piece of malware, that no one has seen before, breaks through. Is your system being monitored, managed and maintained in a way that will detect this intrusion and lock it out before any damage is done, or will it be allowed to run rampant through the night so that when your staff shows up one morning they find their files locked or, even worse, totally lost forever. It happens to someone every day.
For the past 25 years, we at DynaSis have been at the national forefront of Cyber Security…long before most people even heard of it. Our team of more than 55 IT professionals based in Atlanta have always focused on the IT support needs of small to mid-sized businesses. We still do. We also offer complimentary IT and Cyber Risk assessments. Give us a call today at 678-373-0716.
While faster problem resolution and better performance, along with reduced IT costs and complexity, are certainly valid reasons for deciding to outsource some or all your IT functions, it is becoming apparent to many that there is actually a lot more to be gained. When a company chooses a qualified managed IT service provider, either as the primary IT resource by outsourcing, or as a co-sourced resource assisting your in-house team, it is becoming more and more apparent that this out-sourcing does a lot more than save the company money or make the systems run smoothly. Outsourcing can play a major role in the growth of the business and sharpen its competitive edge.
Free up management time for more strategic levels.
Think about it this way: when a company outsources all or part of its IT management, they pick up the time, effort and resources that would have been tied up in this function. This outsourcing, or co-sourcing, frees up IT and other management personnel enabling them to focus on more strategic, higher-value activities. While this may sound somewhat obvious, many firms fail to realize this and don’t take advantage of this opportunity. Out-sourcing either sounds expensive to some, or a challenge to their own value to the company. Neither could be further from the truth.
If you are running a small company (10 to 100 employees) with a small in-house IT department (1-2 people), think about the productivity losses you suffer every time there is an outage, whether it is a single employee who can’t get her work done, or the entire company being all or partially down, even for a short time.
If you are running a very small company with IT handled by someone (maybe yourself) within the company without the proper skills to handle problem resolution so that every time there is an issue you are forced to call in a third party to correct it, you can be rather certain that the right managed IT service provider will save you time and money, as well as productivity, not to mention seriously decreasing your risk of cyber-attack.
If you have your own in-house IT team, no matter how good they are, it is highly unlikely that they will possess all the skills needed to resolve all the issues that arise. Today’s technology is so complex that you really need the availability of a number of highly trained technicians.
Strategic thinking leads to Digital Disruption as a highly competitive tool.
Remaining competitive in today’s business environment requires that all members of your team have the time and energy to focus on moving your business forward. This especially includes those responsible for technology. Recently, we at DynaSis have been focusing on “Digital Disruption”. Digital Disruption on a global scale is what happens when new technologies, such the computer or the Internet are created. On an industry-wide scale, think of Uber’s effect on the transportation industry, or Amazon’s effect on retail. Your company is not likely to become the “Uber” of your industry, but of a company level, Digital Disruption can a very positive force as you become a digital business…one that uses technology to power past your competition.
If you would like to learn more about Outsourcing or Co-Sourcing, check out our WEBPAGE. For more on Digital Disruption, download our White Paper on the subject HERE, or call us today at 678-373-0716.
About DynaSis
DynaSis is an Atlanta IT services and cloud computing provider for small and midsized businesses. All of our solutions focus on helping companies achieve the three fundamental IT necessities of the modern business—availability, security and mobility. We specialize in on-demand and on-premise managed IT services, managed cloud infrastructure, desktops and backups, and professional hardware and equipment installation. For more information about DynaSis’ IT support and services, visit