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by Andrew Dunlop, VP of Web Services

Chas ArnoldOver the past few years, email has become an integral part of the business
workflow. As you well know email inboxes can easily get out of control. Space on the mail server is at a premium and saving emails only to a local machine risks lost data, and deleting historic messages isn’t an option. Email archiving is an easy solution to store all your historic emails.
A ‘true’ email archiving system automatically extracts message contents and attachments from incoming/outgoing emails and after indexing, it stores them in read-only format. This ensures that archived records are maintained in their original state.

Important items to include in any email archive shopping list should include:

Scalability: storage should be easy to increase as the business grows

Relieving storage demands: An archiving solution should relieve the storage demands on the main mail server, leaving it free to process incoming and outgoing mail.

Powerful search & retrieval: Basic and advanced searching of the archive, reducing the time to locate emails.

Disaster recovery features: Mirroring and auto-replication of emails providing disaster recovery for email data.

Ease of Use: An email archiving solution should be easy for all users to use.

Installation and support: The solution you choose should be relatively simple to install and should provide support when you need it.

With costs for email recovery from traditional backups rising considerably, email archiving products can assist with reducing administration costs associated with managing email storage. Using the above “must have” list will help you pick a solution that is right for your company.

The DynaSis Cryoserver product has been developed with many years of email archive knowledge and experience to offer a proven, reliable quality email archiving product that is designed to be installed in minutes and reliably protect your email forever. Contact DynaSis to learn more about email archiving. 770.882.2432

by Chas Arnold, VP Sales and Marketing

Chas Arnold

With recession still upon us, it may be tempting to cut back on technologies that don’t produce an easy to define ROI or a low ROI. Ironically, investing in the right technologies can actually help your business save money. New technologies like virtualization are changing the way data is stored and optimizing physical machines, while technologies like Software as a Service and thin client computing are realizing their full potential in the SMB space.

Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual servers or desktops on a single physical machine (host), sharing the resources of that single computer across multiple environments. Virtualization works by inserting a thin layer of software directly on the computer hardware or host and then loading multiple versions of the operating systems on top of it. Multiple operating systems run concurrently on a single physical computer and share hardware resources with each other. You can safely run several operating systems and applications at the same time on a single computer, with each having access to the resources it needs when it needs them. With virtualization, less space is need for physical machines, energy costs are reduced, and management is simplified.

Software as a Service
Software as a Service (SaaS) is a method in which software is no longer installed locally, but offered as a monthly subscription through an online web portal. For the set monthly fee, users receive all-inclusive access including automatic updates of software versions and patches with no maintenance to perform. In addition, SaaS allows easy tracking of employee licenses. No longer will you have to worry about which machine your software is installed on, SaaS delivers software in a web-based form available anywhere there is an Internet connection and often on any device—increasing employee productivity with its anytime anywhere access. Additionally, SaaS offers incredible scalability. When a new license is needed, it is no longer necessary to take time installing pieces of software locally. Instead, a new user account is created on the providers server and access is almost immediate. Similarly, if licenses are no longer needed, your monthly fee is reduced to reflect the actual number of employees using the software.

Thin Clients
A thin client provides exactly what employees need without the bells and whistles. While fat client PC’s offer extras like photo management and video editing, the typical office worker only needs a few applications, Internet access, and email to operate productively throughout the day, making a thin client a good choice. What is a thin client? It a stripped down version of a personal computer, sometimes called a smart terminal. Thin clients access the server for computing power where it is consolidated in one place for easy control, stricter security and less maintenance. An added benefit-- thin clients can often process faster than a PC that stores information and applications locally, decreasing the time employees wait for a machine to start in the morning or open a new application. The typical thin client can save a company hundreds to thousands of dollars when compared to a traditional PC. Another plus, thin clients vary in degree with some offering more features than others, so businesses can match their needs accordingly.

Technology will not be a drain on your business if you invest in the correct tools that are right for your business. A skilled advisor can be the key to planning your business success in more difficult times. Contact DynaSis today for IT Strategy consulting and managed IT service plans that can help your business maximize the value of its IT.

EXHAUSTO's phone system filled the company’s basic telephone needs, but DynaSis's engineers knew there were options better suited to serving EXHAUSTO’s widespread distribution network and the travel schedule of its principals. They introduced ShoreTel’s voice over IP solution.

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