Millennial generation workers...give them the technology tools they need, and your rewards will follow.
With the millennial workforce growing literally by the day, employers need to keep up-to-date with how these people function and think. While you may be thinking, “Why should I adapt to them? They’re going to work for me?” the reality is that they are not alone. Not only are they going to become your workforce, and you want the best of the best, they represent the likes and dislike of the millennials who will also be come your clientele.
Unlike traditional workers, they don’t always believe that work needs to be accomplished during the standard 9 to 5 work day, nor necessarily within the confines of your office walls, nor does it have to be Monday through Friday.
“What difference does it make where or when I do the work, as long as I get the job done?” More and more, the answer is: it doesn’t…as long as there are proper channels of communication. Enter mobile computing and BYOD (bring your own device) that lets people work from anywhere at any time while staying in touch and having full access to whatever work files they may need.
Right now, more than 85% of millennials have smartphones, whether iPhones or Androids, and it has a major effect on how they communicate with co-workers and superiors. A recent study showed that 41% prefer communicating electronically rather than by speaking over the phone or face-to-face. In fact, 59% said that an important consideration in whether or not to accept a job was whether or not the employer was going to provide state-of-the-art technology. This is so even though many admitted using their own devices right alongside the technology the company supplied. (This writer is writing on his own MacBook right now, which is sitting alongside the perfectly fine computer provided to him. I use both)
If you want to stay ahead of the game, you have to adapt your IT policies accordingly. Modern workers expect modern communications built into a technology ecosystem that may include things like social networking, instant messaging, blogs, wikis, and video on demand. This isn’t for fun and games. These tools are what enable the millennial generation instant connectivity and engagement with co-workers, superiors and customers. Ultimately, they enable these workers to be happier and more productive in their jobs and relate in a more meaningful way to the customers of their own generation. These tools also elevate their creativity and employers who cater to these needs are finding that the real benefit ends up belonging to the company.
DynaSis is an Atlanta managed IT service provider, in business for almost 25 years. DynaSis works with small to mid-sized businesses employing cloud technology where appropriate, and more traditional services when required. We have also been on the forefront of cyber security as well as helping businesses become truly digitized, so they can be the beneficiaries of digital disruption, not the victims.