October 22, 2009 Atlanta, GA. DynaSis IT a managed IT provider for small and medium sized businesses has released a whitepaper on Software as a Service detailing the benefits of using SaaS to create a centralized IT solution which transforms IT into a utility. SaaS is a model of software deployment in which a provider licenses an application to customers for use as a service on demand. The whitepaper explains the growing trend towards using SaaS to centralize the management and delivery of IT and includes cost saving figures from leading researchers.
The whitepaper from DynaSis explains that traditional networks in which a small or medium sized business maintains their own equipment and data processes is not a cost effective practice. SaaS allows businesses to minimize their investment in technologies such as email, storage, application upgrades or security and shift dollars to advanced technologies like data warehousing, data mining, ERP and CRM solutions which could offer a head-start against competition.
The document also examines levels of “IT Maturity” explaining that a company’s IT infrastructure and systems can fall on a scale ranging from chaotic and reactive to a proactive or managed approach with IT as a utility being the highest level of maturity. Companies falling under proactive, managed, or utility are maximizing the value of their IT systems and saving the most over the long term. A managed services solution using SaaS can make that transition possible.
DynaSis President David Moorman, “This document was important for us to write because it helps businesses understand that the day-to-day care of IT isn’t a competitive advantage. A SaaS solution allows a business to focus on why they opened their doors in the first place. IT staff time is better spent exploring new ways for technology to improve efficiency rather than the mundane tasks associated with computer network maintenance.”
Chas Arnold Vice President of DynaSis adds, “SaaS is a big switch from traditional networking that some companies have a hard time grasping. The whitepaper explains in detail the argument for SaaS and points to why it is the next generation of computing.”
The DynaSis whitepaper Using Technology to Simplify and Save Money is available by visiting www.dynasis.com.
DynaSis is a managed IT service provider servicing small and medium sized businesses in the Atlanta area for over 17 years. DynaSis specializes in managed IT service plans, managed hosting and professional equipment installation. For more information about DynaSis visit www.dynasis.com.