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May 7, 2009. Atlanta, GA based IT services firm DynaSis expands its offerings to give customers a detailed IT strategy plan for both short term and long term planning. The strategic technology review gives clients a look into how their technology is performing currently, auditing the current risks that can lead to critical issues in the near future as well as capacity and compliance issues that will need to be handled down the road.

DynaSis engineers perform strategic technology reviews for new and existing clients so they can have an idea of what industry best practices look like, as well as which practices they are meeting and which need to be addressed. Based on ITIL standards, the process takes a look from the top down including, servers, firewalls and storage devices on the network level before delving into personal computer and user personalities. Engineers spend some time on-site with the client conducting a thorough analysis and in turn deliver a detailed report with the findings. Virtual chief information officers (VCIOs) assigned to the client then discuss the findings in a round table discussion with the client’s key players and offer a road map on how to improve the current state of their IT gradually, so the client has different options available based on their timeline, budget, and strategy.

President David Moorman commented, “We wanted to give the SMB customer a real look into their IT and where it is heading instead of just providing a fly-by-night review that only acts as a sales gimmick. With the strategic technology review, we take the time to get to know your network and present the findings in an easy to understand presentation with options that make sense for your budget. We make sure we do our homework on your network, so we can make the best possible recommendations.”

In fact strategic technology reviews are only the beginning, DynaSis works with clients to become a trusted technology advisor and even dedicates resources like VCIOs to make sure plans are being implemented and new strategies are being developed as the business changes. Vice President Chas Arnold noted, “As a part of our service, IT is constantly being maximized as an advantage to the client. We help clients move from a reactive frame of mind to a proactive one, so they can anticipate technology needs as their business grows.”

DynaSis is a managed IT services provider for small to medium sized businesses in Atlanta, GA, offering on-premise and on-demand SaaS monthly service plans, professional IT installation services, and managed hosting. For more information on DynaSis, visit

March 25, 2009: Atlanta, Georgia based IT firm DynaSis announces new software as a service (SaaS) for the small to midsize business. The new service named ITility by DynaSis offers the SMB a low fixed monthly cost for all of the essential IT solutions needed to do business like email, network security, and data backup while hosting essential applications and delivering them on demand. ITility by DynaSis provides IT services over a secure Internet connection so businesses can access their data from anywhere at anytime without purchasing or maintaining servers, firewalls, or other IT infrastructure equipment.

ITility by DynaSis utilizes a SaaS or software as a service model in which IT is delivered on demand via the Internet from a grid computing platform. ITility by DynaSis is a turnkey solution that allows the SMB to use their desktops, thin clients or handheld's to access their data, eliminating the need for time consuming support, downtime and costly routine upgrades to the infrastructure. All of the IT equipment needed is hosted at the DynaSis datacenter, a world-class facility with 24x7x365 server monitoring, environmental monitoring, high speed Internet feeds from 6 of the top Internet providers, re-generated power via a 3 grid substation, limited access with biometric finder and retina scanners, and around the clock surveillance.

Vice President Chas Arnold says, “ITility by DynaSis allows the SMB to get out of the IT and data center business and focus on what they do best. Whether you are a 5 person company, or a 100 person company, IT infrastructure has a high cost of entry. With DynaSis ITility by DynaSis, the SMB benefits from the infrastructure and data center services the Fortune 500 have, for a low cost, no hassle solution that works when and where they need it to. Data access is no longer constricted by location, freeing employees to work anywhere and anytime, giving them increased productivity.”

ITility by DynaSis includes help desk services, on-site services, application hosting, Microsoft Office 2007, dedicated servers, managed anti-virus, anti-spam, managed firewall, Microsoft exchange email, automated backups, system monitoring, mobility and more.

President David Moorman added, “Small and medium sized companies we see are spending huge amounts of time and money trying to maintain technologies that do not give them a competitive advantage. The new concept in business is to focus on technologies that offer businesses a competitive advantage like Business Intelligence, CRM, ERP, etc and get out of the IT plumbing business. ITility by DynaSis was designed for just that."

DynaSis is a managed IT services provider for small to medium sized businesses in Atlanta, GA, offering on-premise and on-demand SaaS monthly service plans, professional IT installation services, and managed hosting. For more information on ITility by DynaSis, visit

February 19, 2009: Atlanta, GA based IT company DynaSis has recently built a new state-of-the-art data center in downtown Atlanta. The facility guarantees a secure and resilient place to house mission-critical equipment, with 24x7x365 server and environmental monitoring systems plus around the clock management personnel, digital video surveillance cameras, electronic access cards, and biometric retina and fingerprint authentication scanners. The data center is served by 6 high speed optical connections from backbone providers. With generator backup support as well as a high capacity UPS and automatic transfer switch, clients can rest assured that their data is protected from disastrous failures.

President David Moorman commented, “Our primary feed is through Internap, the most highly rated backbone provider in the US. Internap's ability to intelligently route traffic for maximum throughput is unsurpassed. They also have superior abilities to detect and quickly respond to threats and traffic issues. Our investment in this upstream provider is well justified.”

This structure provides the best of both worlds – the highest level of infrastructure in production today with a computing grid that DynaSis manages their customer's sites, databases, and applications. This approach provides the following benefits:

DynaSis Vice President Chas Arnold added, “We are committed to giving clients — and their data — world-class protection in the managed services and managed hosting business. These new investments and this new data center take that commitment to the next level. Our clients, mostly small to mid-size firms here in the Atlanta metro area, just don’t have access to an IT infrastructure of this caliber. By making this technology so accessible, we can help you become more competitive in the market place now and in the future.”

DynaSis is a Complete IT Solutions provider for the SMB, offering IT infrastructure, managed services, business solutions, and technical support. To learn more visit or call 770.569.4600.

Roswell, GA - September 1, 2008 - DynaSis Complete IT Solutions today announced the addition of The Internap Flow Control Platform (FCP) to optimize Core Network speed and efficiency between DynaSis and the Internet.

The FCP platform is designed to optimize the BGP protocol. BGP is the core protocol the Internet was built on in the 1970s. For the small percentage of data centers, such as DynaSis, that have multiple high speed redundant internet connections, the FCP provides network performance management, Optimization and monitoring. Without an FCP, the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is often the default routing mechanism, blindly routing data over connections based on the shortest amount of hops a choice that frequently results in poor performance. The FCP takes a better approach. It proactively reviews our network(s) for the best performing routes. This addition will allow DynaSis to use the FCP technology to help improve both performance of you applications and the bottom line.

Benefits of Core Network Performance Management:

Based on its unique capability to measure the characteristics of end-to-end, real-time Internet traffic, the FCP solution improves network performance up to 50% on average by:

The result is improved network performance, intelligent load balancing across multiple provider links, and easier troubleshooting.

Adding The Internap Flow Control Platform to our systems further supports our commitment to providing superior data center services to our clients, said David Moorman, president of DynaSis.

DynaSis is a Complete IT Solutions provider offering IT infrastructure, managed services, business solutions, and technical support. To learn more visit

Roswell, GA August 1, 2008 - DynaSis Complete IT Solutions adds staff members.
In order to meet increased business demands, DynaSis has added staff members to the following departments:

In business for over 15 years, DynaSis Corp. is the leading managed services, application hosting and IT infrastructure outsourcing company for small to midsize business in the Southeast. From its Atlanta based network of premier data center facilities, DynaSis provides a comprehensive range of managed services including management of servers, storage, backups, network, databases, security and data centers to more than 200 business customers in a broad range of industries.

Each of our new staff members is a specialist in their field and a valued addition to the DynaSis team. The addition to our staff stems from continued company growth and a commitment to grow capacity so we achieve greater customer satisfaction. said David Moorman, president of DynaSis.

DynaSis is a Complete IT Solutions provider offering IT infrastructure, managed services, business solutions, and technical support. To learn more visit

Roswell, GA June 1, 2008 - DynaSis Complete IT Solutions opens new office in Miami, Florida.
DynaSis strengthens its business alliance with Cbeyond Technologies by opening branch office in Miami, Florida. Cbeyond is the voice and broadband Internet provider built exclusively to serve small businesses.
The Miami branch will offer the same VoIP Installation services as the DynaSis headquarters in Georgia with its own on-site customer support staff and on-call service fleet.

All of us at DynaSis are excited about our expansion into the Miami market. This expansion is directly in line with our strategy of growing our business and offering greater geographical reach to our customers. said David Moorman, president of DynaSis.

DynaSis is a Complete IT Solutions provider offering IT infrastructure, managed services, business solutions, and technical support. To learn more visit

Roswell, GA February 1, 2008 - DynaSis Complete IT Solutions adds to existing fleet of service vehicles.
In order to meet the needs of our customers and increased growth in business, DynaSis has added to its existing fleet of service vehicles.
As part of DynaSis Managed IT Service package, your network will be monitored 24 hours a day at our state-of-the-art Network Operations Center (NOC). Here we can often identify warning signs and notify you before problems even occur.

Our team of friendly and knowledgeable support specialists and engineers can solve 85% of all service requests usually within 10 minutes or less via phone or e-mail. However, some issues require hands-on maintenance. In those cases, one of our Microsoft Certified Engineers will come to your office and fix your problem on-site. DynaSis guarantees to have Service Personnel respond to your site within 2hrs from your service call on mission critical outages.

Increasing our Service Fleet means quicker response times and even more efficient service to our customers. said David Moorman, president of DynaSis.

DynaSis is a Complete IT Solutions provider offering IT infrastructure, managed services, business solutions, and technical support. To learn more visit

5/1/2007 12:00:00 AM

DynaSis today announced its participation in Microsoft Across America, a nationwide road show designed to give business people hands-on experience with the latest technology. Microsoft Across America events are free half-day seminars that enable visitors to explore a state-of-the-art truck for live product demonstrations. Wednesday, May 16th , visitors can attend a Microsoft Across America event at DynaSis, located at 1100 Old Ellis Road in Roswell, from 11:00 AM–2:00 PM.

Representatives from DynaSis will be on hand to offer one-on-one advice and answer questions. In addition to the free seminars DynaSis will be offering a free lunch, as well as DJ’s from Atlanta’s 680 The -Fan on-site to quiz attendees throughout the day on various sports and technology-related trivia for prizes. A dunk tank will also be set up with proceeds going to Atlanta Habitat for Humanity.

DynaSis is a responsible, reliable, total I.T. solutions provider whose team members know how to listen. Our offerings encompass a comprehensive family of products and services, ranging from network health checks and needs analyses to both on-site and managed I.T. operational support. DynaSis maintains staff certifications with and will be inviting leading I.T. vendors including Microsoft, ShoreTel, Symantec , Cisco, Sprint, and SonicWall. “At DynaSis, we have a passion for helping businesses make technology decisions that are right for their organization,” said David Moorman, president of DynaSis. “Microsoft Across America allows us to meet face to face with business people in our community, customize demonstrations according to their individual business needs, and build a lasting relationship so they know who to turn to as their business grows.”

Microsoft Across America event attendees can experiment with programs such as Microsoft Small Business Server 2003 and the Microsoft Dynamics suite of products. A fleet of seven Microsoft Across America trucks have already visited 250 cities in 2006 and more events are scheduled for 2007 and beyond.

“Our ability to effectively serve customers and offer a program such as Microsoft Across America is due in large part to our strong network of business partners,” said Bill Forsyth, Southeast Area general manager for Microsoft’s Small Midmarket Solutions and Partners Group. “We are pleased to partner with local IT providers, like DynaSis because these companies offer many of the tools and advice our customers consistently ask for, including easy-to-use technology, local expertise and integrated solutions.”

For more information about registering for DynaSis Technology Open House, visit and click on "Register for a DynaSis Seminar." DynaSis Complete IT solutions specializes in IT infrastructure, Managed Services, Business Solutions, and Technical Support. Want to learn more about DynaSis? Visit "", or call 770.569.4600.

April 4, 2007 – DynaSis, a local information technology company in the Roswell area, will be holding educational workshops on IT best practices for business owners. The workshops will focus on transforming a businesses IT infrastructure from a source of frustration to a source of competitive advantage. The first workshop will be held Wednesday May 2nd at the Rainwater Restaurant in Alpharetta. All local business owners and c-level personnel are invited to attend free of charge by referencing this article.

Small and medium businesses today have many of the same IT requirements as larger companies, but don’t have the depth of resources to keep up with emerging threats and technical requirements. Companies need to stay focused on their core business and not be distracted by the complexity of the underlying technology.
Combating issues such as security threats, data backup, legal compliance, and more requires a systematic approach combined with a solid understanding of best practices, which is the purpose of the workshop. The DynaSis workshop is based on a series of standards called ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library). President of DynaSis, David Moorman, comments, “Our goal is to provide an educational forum for businesses to understand IT best practices, the advantages of improving, and the repercussions of failure. This will help create or improve an IT strategy to dramatically advance business success.”

Included with the workshop registration is a post-workshop IT capabilities analysis to help the business get control of the current state of internal technology. Each attendee will leave with a comprehensive understanding of the SMB demands on the IT environment and a positive start on creating a comprehensive IT strategy.
Please contact Mary Ann Denton for more information. Registration can be completed online by visiting, or by calling 770.569.4600 ext 240.

Founded in 1992 as a small computer repair and service business, DynaSis has evolved into one of the Atlanta metro area’s most respected information technology firms, now offering a comprehensive suite of services and technology solutions.

November 1, 2006 – IT may be a daunting task to some, but with a few adjustments you can have your IT work for you and not the other way around. Many companies view IT as an overhead cost, often times these companies are the same ones that react to IT problems when they happen - instead of thinking of the big picture. Your IT can be a driving force to gain profitability and increase productivity. Your edge is gaining the insight on how to think proactively and leverage your IT to improve your bottom line.

1. Business Intelligence How well do you know your own business? BI is having access to current data about how your company is performing in designated key performance areas. Digital dashboards are often utilized … data is pulled from various sources, with the dashboard containing concise reports on each critical area your business must execute, and where you are vs benchmarks. President of DynaSis Complete IT David Moorman comments, “Reporting on performance measurements is key in reaching your goals for adding profit and reducing overhead costs. At the end of the day, information is what is going to get you ahead of your competitors.” For example, wouldn’t it be nice to predict the amount of inventory you need months in advance simply by tracking your sales pipeline, thus reducing unnecessary warehouse costs or taxes? BI is usually “real-time” or very close to it, providing you the critical information required to make solid business decisions. Reports focus on profits, customer satisfaction, efficiency, inventory, sales, productivity and more.
2. Software Integration Software integration is basically allowing two different software packages to exchange data per your specific requirements. Automating routine processes and eliminating redundant data entry are a couple of items that fall under software integration. Consider this scenario: your customers currently order your product by phone, requiring a dedicated professional to stop what they are doing and take orders. Why not simplify this process by implementing an e-commerce website, where clients can easily browse and purchase online? Integrating an e-commerce web site with your accounting software can automatically create invoices and post payments for orders placed online. This eliminates data entry required to keep your accounting data up to date, freeing up time for more productive activities.

3. Create an Extranet An Extranet is a secure web site designed to serve your customer base as an extension of traditional customer service efforts. Permission-based user management ensures that each customer has access to only their company information, and not another company’s. In addition, access levels dictate which reports or functionality each user has access to. These sites are great for streamlining and automating routine processes, and providing for efficient information exchange between you and your customer. Using an Extranet can help your clients access data and services easily, reducing the time you and your employees spend answering questions- allowing you to focus on your core responsibilities.
4. Internet Marketing Internet marketing consists of a variety of ways to gain new and repeat customers for your business via your website. Internet marketing includes: email marketing, affiliate programs, link exchanges, and banner advertising. One of the most effective methods is known as search engine marketing. With search engine marketing, you research which "keywords" your prospective customers use to find your products or services in the search engines. As long as people are actively searching for your products or services online, search engine marketing is superior to traditional forms because the audience is coming to you and has a current need for your product or service, allowing you to increase online sales or convert online leads to sales. Search engine marketing also allows you to measure the effectiveness of your website at converting visitors to sales. Lachlan Brown, SEM Director for DynaSis commented, “Internet marketing in its various forms is an extremely effective form of marketing that results in bottom line return on investment. With it you can put your message in front of your target audience at the exact time they are looking for information, and you can track the return in a precise way not possible with traditional, offline marketing."

5. Outsourcing Your IT Several benefits are available for firms that choose to hire an outside IT service provider rather than an in-house professional. With an outsourced company you gain a larger knowledge base of professionals that hold a wide array of certifications, while an in-house IT professional has limited knowledge and resources. An outside company also lets your valued employees who may have other job responsibilities focus on core competencies. Those professionals can now be dedicated to tasks the increase profitability instead of spending their time on IT problems. Lastly, the costs associated with downtime if an in-house professional is sick or on vacation increases, not to mention benefits costs, while an outside company has many employees capable of overseeing your account.
6. Software as a Service An ASP or Application Service Provider model can help reduce unnecessary costs while ensuring your software and hardware are maintained and up-to-date. In an ASP model, all your software and files can be fed over an Internet connection; data is safely stored and backed up. The cost of the service includes software and hardware that is hosted on the provider’s site, so you are always guaranteed the latest versions without upgrading or patching; licensing hassles are also eliminated. Companies benefit from a per user charge or bandwidth charge for the entire service with costs directly relating to the size of the workforce in the event of growth or downsizing.

7. Disaster Recovery While this form of technology may be more preventative in nature, thinking ahead to safeguard your digital assets may save your company itself, not to mention money. Backing up your data to begin with is crucial to disaster recovery, as losing confidential client records or employee data can be detrimental. Using tape drives to store company data is not as reliable as it once was due to advances and price breaks in disk to disk solutions which allow for real time recoveries.
Other techniques like off-site data backup at a secure data center can reduce your risk of data loss due to disasters that occur on your site. Andy Dunlop, an expert in data protection and disaster recovery for DynaSis Complete IT says, "Often people don't realize how much they have invested in their data until they don't have it. When recognizing the cost of data loss, it quickly comes to light that a good regular backup is essential to any IT infrastructure. Whether a single spreadsheet is accidentally deleted or a natural disaster destroys your file servers, you can recover if you have copies of the data; and by having copies at diverse locations, you can ensure you are prepared for a crisis."

Using techniques like those listed above will create a mind set of proactivity. IT will no longer be a hindrance to business, but it will help streamline processes to make your company money and impact your bottom line. For more information contact DynaSis Complete IT Solutions at 770.569.4600.

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