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Modern Officing: A Core of Technology, Lightly Wrapped in Technology

By the DynaSis Team

You may have noticed us alluding to a new term: Modern Officing, rather than talking about the Modern Office, which is often defined as an office environment not constrained by time or place, where technology powers the anytime-anywhere concept. That concept has now morphed into a verb, and folks are talking about Modern Officing.

This is the practice of enabling your employees to achieve anytime-anywhere productivity. It might incorporate letting personnel come into your physical office only occasionally―if at all. Of course, the core of this practice is technology―especially mobile and network technologies.

However, companies that succeed in this effort are judicious in how they weave other technologies into the solution. The idea is not to allow technology to expand organically, with everyone bringing their favorite solutions to the table. Rather, companies should strategically plan and deploy the right technologies, implemented security but accessibly. Not only should companies avoid too many solutions (especially if they overlap), but those solutions should not be too permissive or unrestrained. So, let’s look at a few of the technologies you likely use, and how your approach to them can be “just right” for the modern office.


Technology Not Enough Just Right Not Smart
Internet Access Wired Ethernet. Wired and Wireless, with managed policy administration and separate secure networks for staff and guests. Wide open Internet where employees and visitors can do anything.
Data Storage Outdated, multiple on-premise servers. Virtualized or cloud-based servers with dynamically allocated storage. Large capacity servers or storage devices that are not integrated and/or with significantly more capacity than needed.
System management and maintenance “Fix it when it breaks” mentality. Proactive monitoring and intervention to prevent outages. Giving employees permission and budget to handle their own upgrades/ problem resolution.
Remote Connectivity Email only. Secure email and data access, managed by user profile. Unrestrained access to corporate data for anyone with a log-in.
Mobile Devices A single approved corporate device. A palette of approved devices with different profiles and operating systems, all managed under corporate policy. If you own it, you can bring it.


These are just a few examples of dozens of technologies where right-sizing is beneficial to your company, its personnel and its bottom line. If your technology environment is insufficient or outdated, not only can your employees not achieve their missions, but customers to your physical space will perceive your firm as dated. Too many solutions, too much capacity, or an approach that is too unrestrained, and you could be throwing money, productivity and security away.

DynaSis has strategic planning experts that can help you pinpoint what improvements make sense for your firm, and which ones are unnecessary or unwise. To get started, fill out our inquiry form or give us a call.

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