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Giving Thanks for Mobility

by David Moorman, President

David MoormanA truly mobile office can be a tricky feat if you don’t have access to cloud technology. This Thanksgiving season, I am grateful for the advancements in our ITility by DynaSis cloud technology because of the flexibility and increased productivity it gives my business. As a business executive I need to access my company data and information on the go in real time. Over the holiday weekend I was able to do just that using an app on my iPhone. Using just my phone I was able to login to the company network, edit a document and send it back to my employee in the office, all while standing in the middle of New York city watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade with my family. While working on vacation is not my ideal, I was thankful for the ability to edit that critical document and still communicate with my employees just as if I was in the office. And because ITility by DynaSis cloud technology works on any platform, I was able to use one of the most popular devices out there--my Apple iPhone. Check out our ITility by DynaSis cloud solution for an easy way to create seamless mobility in your office. Happy Holidays!

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