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Doing Double Duty: IT manager and Business Professional

by David Moorman, President

 Image Name So you’re managing the company’s IT and trying to keep up with your own duties? One of the great things about working for a small or medium sized business is that you get to wear many hats, but it’s a double edged sword. Your knowledge of IT or the ability to lend a hand has helped you become an invaluable resource for the company, but as the company grows your main priorities suffer. Sound familiar?

The need to hire outside consultants is a fact of life in the small business. The good news is, outside consultants can offer huge value to your company, improve processes, allow you to focus on your primary responsibilities, plus save the company money over the long term.

Here are a few things to think about when considering making the switch to an outside provider:

Consultants Increase Productivity
Large companies have IT staff with specialists in each area – desktop support, server administration, infrastructure maintenance, application programming, web development and a host of other specialties. In an SMB environment, your focus should be on what you do best, allowing the experts to handle IT issues and strategy. This approach can help you get more accomplished without wasting time learning how to manage a secondary role, saving the company time and money.

Explore New IT Resources
When you have your primary job functions plus co-worker PC issues, you can hardly manage your day, let alone think about IT strategy. New technologies like virtualization, ERPs, or data mining can improve company processes and save money in the long term. Using a consultant frees you to focus on your job while experts handle the day-to-day and make recommendations on the latest technology.

So you’re sold, but what about your boss? Presenting the need for an IT partner is best explained in dollars and cents. DynaSis can help identify the true costs involved with managing your own IT and the value of an outside vendor.

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