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By David Moorman, President, DynaSis

There are many definitions of cloud services and many providers today are offering some variation of the cloud as a service. In its simplest definition Wikipedia states, “Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices on demand.” Since the gain of its popularity, the cloud has become a major buzzword in the industry. Just about everyone has some sort of “cloud” service.  As a business consumer, you should make sure the cloud service you get comes from a reputable provider with a commitment to the technology and not just a fly-by-night company. One of the signs you can tell a provider is truly a reliable cloud provider is their dedication to innovation. At DynaSis I strive to stay on the leading edge of the technology in order to prove my commitment. Our ITility by DynaSis service was first offered five years ago and has undergone constant improvements since its launch. Unlike others, we have dedicated the time to working out the bugs in the service and making it one that best serves our clients. I’m always looking for new uses for technology to help the businesses I work with gain a competitive advantage in their industry, and I see the cloud as a major key to doing that.

Roswell, Georgia – December 16, 2010 – DynaSis, Atlanta’s premier provider of IT services and support for small and medium businesses (SMBs), announced today a new agreement with Suniva, the U.S. manufacturer of high-efficiency, low-cost monocrystalline silicon solar cells and modules, to expand their Digital Veins on-premise managed IT support contract. Under the terms of the agreement, DynaSis will now provide on-site as well as remote staff to support Suniva’s growing manufacturing operations.

“Essentially we will be managing the entire IT infrastructure for Suniva including remote monitoring and maintenance of their server and network infrastructure complemented by dedicated on-site support personnel to take care of the normal day to day activities like helping users with printing or email issues,” explains Ried Thiel, Director of  CIO Services for DynaSis.

DynaSis has provided Digital Veins on-premise managed IT support to Suniva since they opened their first factory in 2008. In just two years they have grown from 40 to 180 employees and have seen a corresponding increase in their IT requirements. When Suniva put services out to bid earlier this year, DynaSis recaptured the business and upgraded to the more expanded services.

“We’re a manufacturer with 24/7 operations so keeping the network up 24/7 is extremely important ,” explains Jim Modak, CFO of Suniva, Inc. “Our product is sold globally so we need the IT infrastructure to support our staff around the clock, who may be working in many time zones. The on-site support is also helpful so that our growing on-site workforce can get connected quickly and seamlessly.

About Suniva
Based in metro-Atlanta, GA, Suniva® manufactures high-efficiency monocrystalline silicon solar cells and high-power solar modules using patented and unique low-cost techniques.  Suniva’s mission is to make solar generated electricity cost competitive with fossil fuels making solar PV sensible globally. Suniva leverages its own in-house developed intellectual property and has exclusive licenses to patents and patent-pending IP developed by founder and CTO, Dr. Ajeet Rohatgi, at the Georgia Institute of Technology's DOE funded University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaic Research.  Led by an internationally regarded team of business executives and photovoltaic scientists, Suniva sells its advanced solar products worldwide, renewing U.S. leadership in the new energy economy.  For additional information, please visit

About DynaSis
DynaSis is a managed IT service provider for small and medium sized businesses in Atlanta, Georgia. DynaSis specializes in offering on-premise and on-demand managed IT service plans, managed hosting and professional equipment installation. For more information about DynaSis services visit

By Chas Arnold

By offering our fully hosted cloud based service ITility by DynaSis, we have shifted the way managed services costs are charged. In the old days of break-fix, managed service providers were paid based on how much support you used, so it wasn’t in their best interest to make recommendations to get your network operating efficiently. Clients were allowed to creep along using outdated equipment and software that resulted in additional fees for support. Today the cloud based network model changes all of that. Now, DynaSis offers the major network equipment to keep you up and running, getting you out of the datacenter business. There is no longer a need to upgrade equipment or standard Microsoft software. Unlimited support is included as a part of the monthly charge, so it is in our best interest to keep ticket volume down. The benefit to you being a fully optimized network infrastructure with limited support issues.

by David Moorman, President

David MoormanA truly mobile office can be a tricky feat if you don’t have access to cloud technology. This Thanksgiving season, I am grateful for the advancements in our ITility by DynaSis cloud technology because of the flexibility and increased productivity it gives my business. As a business executive I need to access my company data and information on the go in real time. Over the holiday weekend I was able to do just that using an app on my iPhone. Using just my phone I was able to login to the company network, edit a document and send it back to my employee in the office, all while standing in the middle of New York city watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade with my family. While working on vacation is not my ideal, I was thankful for the ability to edit that critical document and still communicate with my employees just as if I was in the office. And because ITility by DynaSis cloud technology works on any platform, I was able to use one of the most popular devices out there--my Apple iPhone. Check out our ITility by DynaSis cloud solution for an easy way to create seamless mobility in your office. Happy Holidays!

by Chas Arnold, Partner and Executive Vice President

Chas ArnoldIt’s almost that time of year again, tax season. I know, I know, not the most enjoyable of topics. So why not make it more enjoyable by saving more money on taxes next year? Many businesses I have worked with have done just that using ITility by DynaSis cloud services. Using the cloud, I have seen clients transform capital expenses into operating expenses, giving them more deductions and increased tax savings at the end of year. They transform their capital expenses by no longer purchasing hardware and software updates. With ITility by DynaSis, those costs go away and instead clients pay a fixed monthly fee or an operational cost. ITility by DynaSis also makes budgeting predictable because there are no added fees or surprises. So make tax season less painful next year, transform capital IT expenses into operating expenses using the cloud.

by David Moorman, President

David MoormanAs we have developed our cloud computing system ITility by DynaSis over the last five years, I have run into those that are just not ready to make the jump to the cloud. It may be hard to get your mind around at first. Centrally storing all your data offsite and letting someone else manage it is not the norm in today’s business culture. To explain the idea of cloud computing, I have to offer the example of the electricity company. Before electricity was widespread, individuals would produce their own electricity. When electrical companies came along, they reduced the cost and generated electricity in mass. Similarly, cloud technology providers are changing the way people manage their information technology. Third party providers are able to lower the cost by spreading it over a large base, as well as deliver technology more efficiently than you could if you managed it yourself.
Just as a wave of electrical inventions dramatically changed the world as the 20th century progressed, so can we expect increased innovation going into the 21st century with technologies centering around the cloud.

Roswell, Georgia – November 2, 2010 – DynaSis, Atlanta’s premier provider of IT services and support for small and medium businesses (SMBs), announced today the fifth anniversary of their innovative ITility by DynaSis cloud solution. At a time when IT providers were only beginning to dabble in cloud solutions for the enterprise, DynaSis took a bold step forward in rolling out a complete solution targeting the specific IT requirements of the small to medium business owner. Since 2005, more than 40 businesses have migrated to the hosted cloud solution.

“When DynaSis first sold us ITility by DynaSis, they told us we could get rid of our IT guys,” explains Frank Sanders, President of CSM Research and ITility by DynaSis customer since 2005. “Although we still maintain one IT professional on staff, his time is now 90% focused on making our customers happy rather than 60% focused on keeping our internal networks running. The hosted solution has created a major shift in the way we think about our IT operations.”

ITility by DynaSis offers SMBs a low, fixed monthly cost for all of the essential IT solutions needed to operate their business like email, network security, and data backup while hosting essential applications and delivering them on demand. ITility by DynaSis provides IT services over a secure Internet connection so businesses can access their data from anywhere at any time without purchasing or maintaining servers, firewalls, or other IT infrastructure equipment.

“With the level monthly fee we can forecast and manage our IT costs,” continues Sanders. “That is something that is very important to a smaller company.”

ITility by DynaSis utilizes a software-as-a-service (SaaS) or “cloud” model in which IT is delivered on demand via the Internet from a grid computing platform. ITility by DynaSis is a turnkey solution that allows the SMB to use their desktops, thin clients or handheld devices to access their data and applications, eliminating the need for time consuming support, downtime and costly routine upgrades to the infrastructure. All of the IT equipment needed is hosted at the DynaSis datacenter, a world-class facility with 24x7x365 server monitoring, environmental monitoring, high speed Internet feeds from 6 of the top Internet providers, re-generated power via a 3 grid substation, limited access with biometric finder and retina scanners, and around the clock surveillance.

“The biggest benefit of ITility by DynaSis has been not having to worry about hardware problems, maintenance, software updates and renewals or purchasing new systems,” stated Mark McKinney, Controller for Sunbelt and ITility by DynaSis customer since 2007. “The reduction in capital expenditures alone has resulted in a big savings for us.”

ITility by DynaSis includes help desk services, on-site services, application hosting, Microsoft Office 2007, dedicated servers, managed anti-virus, anti-spam, managed firewall, Microsoft Exchange email, automated backups, system monitoring, mobility and more.

“The cloud technology isn’t proprietary and today there are other folks who offer hosted solutions but the team at DynaSis and their deep expertise is the major differentiator,” concludes Sanders. “Further, their accessibility and focus on making everything work for their customers has been phenomenal.”

“Today we’re seeing a lot of new comers trying to gain entry into the space by advertising lower-cost offerings comprised of barebones solutions and budget rate technology,” stated David Moorman, President of DynaSis. “In reality what SMBs want now are enterprise class solutions with an even more robust and mobile infrastructure to support the increasing complexities of their business. Five years in, DynaSis is ready to meet that task.”

About DynaSis
DynaSis is a managed IT service provider for small and medium sized businesses in Atlanta, Georgia. DynaSis specializes in offering on-premise and on-demand managed IT service plans, managed hosting and professional equipment installation. For more information about DynaSis services visit

by Chas Arnold, Partner and Executive Vice President

Chas Arnold

Ever need to connect to your office PC from the road? Access your files from your phone? Well wait no longer. Cloud computing is giving way to amazing flexibility never seen before. For instance, it no longer matters what device you use to access your files, where you access them, or where the information resides. It’s all possible using cloud computing technology so you can work faster and more efficiently.

It no longer matters what type of hardware is powering your cloud. Now that data and infrastructure are centrally located and delivered via the Internet, you can use any device to connect to your cloud. Whether you are a PC user or a Mac user, you can now work without compatibility issues. So go ahead, connect to your cloud using your windows mobile phone, your iPad, Macbook, or PC. The cloud delivers a uniform experience across all devices and access points, so you can please both your Mac gurus and traditional PC users in the office.

With the cloud, it no longer matters where you access your information. Since you can connect using any device, you can connect anywhere there is Internet access. Work from the café, airplane, or at home in your slippers. The cloud gives you the flexibility to work where you are, freeing you from the ball and chain of the “office computer”. Work is where you are, not somewhere you go.

You can choose where your information resides with the power of the cloud.Instead of your data located at your office on your servers, cloud computing allows you to house your mission critical servers in a secured location. Before, you didn’t have the choice on where servers and equipment resided. Expensive server room equipment was left unguarded in a closet and accessible to any employee. But now as the number of cloud providers grow, you can choose where your information will live. World-class providers offer cloud storage, allowing you to place your most sensitive assets in secured facilities, managed and monitored around the clock.

The clouds makes allows you to work more efficiently and gives you a multitude of options. Added flexibility will help you boost productivity, saving you precious time and money. DynaSis is a provider of cloud computing solutions. For more information visit or call 770.882.2432

July 22, 2010, Atlanta, GA—DynaSis, a managed IT services company, offers two premium Atlanta IT services plans for small to medium businesses. Its offerings include both on-premise support plans and on-demand hosted support plans. Each offer Atlanta small businesses the opportunity to minimize IT costs and focus on core business strengths.

As technology changes, DynaSis has seen the need to offer two forms of Atlanta managed IT support. The first on-premise plan called Digital Veins is a traditional approach to networking, and utilizes a company’s existing IT infrastructure but includes complete management services such as helpdesk, on-site support, data backup, managed firewall and email security, email and web hosting, around the clock monitoring, and reporting. The second on-demand plan, ITility by DynaSis, offers a business the opportunity to host all their infrastructure, data, and applications in the cloud or datacenter. ITility by DynaSis offers many of the same services as Digital Veins, with only personal computers and laptops needed onsite.

DynaSis President David Moorman commented, “As businesses become more savvy on the benefits of cloud hosting, we plan to transition more and more of our customers to the ITility by DynaSis plan. But for those customers still not ready to transition, we offer a full suite of services to support their onsite network. Both services allow companies to offload the tasks that don’t create competitive advantage and to focus on business strengths that do offer an edge over the competition.”

Atlanta managed IT services are changing the way businesses think about technology. No longer does it have to be a complex, expensive endeavor, but a simple plan that includes all the services needed, for a price competitive with managing the network internally. With the help of a managed provider like DynaSis, technology can actually be used as a tool to leverage business success in competitive marketplaces.

About DynaSis
DynaSis is an Atlanta managed IT service provider servicing small and medium sized businesses in the Atlanta area since 1992. DynaSis specializes in managed IT service plans, managed hosting and professional equipment installation. For more information about DynaSis services visit

by David Moorman, President

David Moorman

Traditionally, businesses have managed their own infrastructure and IT resources themselves. This in-house management requires high overheads, specialized staff, capital expenditures, and honestly – going in to work some mornings wondering if IT would work that day. A relatively new concept, cloud computing, is changing all that.

The cloud is a metaphor for the Internet. With a cloud computing solution, your IT network no longer resides at your office, but at a third party datacenter managed by IT experts. Your data and applications are then delivered to you via the Internet. Sound foreign? Well, maybe it’s not as crazy as you think.

Do you ever wonder if the lights will work when you wake up in the morning? Unless you’re in the middle of a blizzard, probably not. And, you probably don’t manage your own power plant, generators, or substations to get electricity. You pay experts with the best equipment, professionals and resources to manage all this for you. The same should be true with your information technology, and the cloud makes this happen.

History Repeats Itself

In the early 1900s, few people took advantage of electricity as a utility. The technology was young and buyers were wary of the unproven systems and infrastructure. Energy was self-manufactured by water wheels, steam engines, and muscle. But by 1933 buyers were more confident in mature technology, and over 90% of electricity was provided as a utility. Now any appliance could be simply plugged into the electric grid – the network.

Companies are seeing the same thing happen with the cloud. The IT industry saw the first PCs rollout in the 1980s, and that led to the client server computing technology of the 90s. As computing technology has advanced, the industry is moving to a virtualized cloud infrastructure, meaning no longer will you maintain your own network, but trust in professionals to provide your IT as a utility. Gartner research indicates that “by 2012, 20 percent of businesses will own no IT infrastructure assets.”

What drives cloud adoption?

Businesses adopt new technology for one primary reason: money. If the cloud were just a novel technology, businesses would be reluctant to adopt. Considering the huge financial advantages with cloud computing, more and more businesses are moving away from traditional networking to a cloud model. For a large, Fortune 500 company, the costs and resources associated with housing a complete data center with redundant environmental controls, fire suppression, security, and backup provisions are easy. For the average small to medium sized business, though, this kind of data center is unrealistic. Cloud computing allows small to medium sized businesses to utilize the same technological resources that Fortune 500 companies do because of the cloud provider’s data center. A small business with 10 employees enjoys the same network that a 500 employee company does.

The Shift has Begun

The shift to IT provided as a utility has begun. As it continues, computing will become a service almost exclusively supplied over the Internet or private network. Today’s desktop machines will turn into simple appliances that simply plug into the wall and pull their value from the cloud.

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