By the DynaSis Team
If you studied psychology in high school or college, you probably encountered Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs―those elements that take humans from basic survival to self-actualization. Did you know there is a customer hierarchy of needs, as well? The terms for these needs change from one model to the next, but they all say basically the same thing.
At the most basic level, customers want accuracy and availability. They want things to work and they want to be able to obtain them. Above that, they want companies to meet their desires―provide ease of use; wide color selection; extended operating hours―whatever they desire in the product or service that isn’t absolutely necessary for them to use it. At this level, customers become loyal, and most companies are content if they achieve this “pinnacle.”
The cold reality, however, is that meeting customer desires and gaining loyalty do not place you at the pinnacle. That spot is reserved for meeting customers’ unexpressed needs―actually advising them of things they might want and making them available for them. It involves having a two-way dialog and showing that you are looking out for them.
At this level, companies gain evangelism―customers that tell everyone how wonderful a company is. Most firms never come close to achieving this level, because they are caught up in trying to reach or stay at the loyalty level. They waste the opportunity to become truly great and extraordinarily successful.
So, how do you get your customers to the level of evangelism? You must already have great products or services, of course. Your employees should love your company and what it represents, and they should be dedicated to providing passionate, caring service. To make that leap from this foundation isn’t effortless, but today’s technology is making it a lot easier than one might think.
What do you do with the data available to you? This includes, not only what your customers order, but what they ask about when they call; what they say about you to their friends on social media; even what they say about your competitors. All of this data is available to you, either through your own internal records or through social media analysis. You just have to harvest and analyze it to get a pretty good idea of what your customer might like you to offer them, next. (It’s also a good idea to participate in their conversations and let them know you are listening.)
Best of all, there are ready-made data gathering and analysis solutions that can do a lot of the work for you, even going as far as monitoring conversations about you and your customers across the entire spectrum of social media, so you can jump in and participate. They can even tell you who your key influencers are―the folks that persuade others to either like or dislike your products or services. (If you are old-school and this sounds like an invasion of privacy, consider this: it’s perfectly legal and your competitors are probably already doing it.
These solutions aren’t DynaSis’ specialty, although we can point you in the direction of someone who offers them. Because we care about your success, we just wanted you to know they are there. We also wanted to remind you that, before you decide to implement any solution that gathers and stores customer data and preferences, you should order a security analysis and ensure you have robust defensive mechanisms in place.
All the customer engagement and gratification in the world won’t build your business if a criminal steals those lovely pools of data that you collect, analyze and store. If you suffer a data breach like those of PF Chang’s or Target, your customers will become evangelists, but they’ll be telling everyone to run the other direction. If you’d like to request a technology assessment to see where you are, now―or discuss any aspect of technology and how it impacts your business―we invite you to fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at (770) 569-4600.
By the DynaSis Team
We’ve talked about BYOD (bring your own device) several times here, but it’s always been mostly from the technology perspective. This week, we’ll offer a few suggestions that also address what your employees need to know about using their devices. These are all ideas we recommend you integrate into your own corporate policies.
As we’ve discussed before, many employees show little compunction about sneaking onto corporate networks with personal devices, whether you allow them to or not. It makes no sense for companies to fight the BYOD trend any longer. Beyond adopting best practices such as mobile device management, having a straightforward discussion with workers will go a long way towards preventing trouble with BYOD.
1. Be Crystal Clear. Make it clear what employees are and are not authorized to do. For example, don’t assume they know they will not be reimbursed if they upgrade their plan, purchase more data and/or add international dialing or data when they go out of the country. If you won’t pay for these add-ons, tell them so. Don’t get caught between keeping a key employee happy and footing a big bill.
2. Establish Barriers. Create “clearance levels” for different pools of company data and restrict the most sensitive information to workers that really need access. (Restricting data behind a cloud-based portal is a good solution; controlling access is an even better one.) Notify all personnel of the procedures and remind them that not following policy puts the business and their jobs at risk. New surveys show that consumers absolutely blame corporations for data breaches and expect them to pay for damage they do. Don’t accidentally expose your firm to litigation by taking a slack attitude towards data access.
3. Enable “Lock and Wipe” Features. The best corporate “portal” solutions wipe all traces of the data from the device after each work session ends. Nevertheless, corporate data may sneak onto personal devices, often when workers forward emails or text corporate data to themselves for the sake of convenience. Be sure your mobile device management platform has remote lock and wipe features in case a phone goes missing. Reinforce to personnel the importance of reporting a missing phone promptly rather than holding the information in hopes of finding the device.
4. Reward a Job Well Done. Studies show that employees will work extra hours when you permit them to use personal devices at work. That’s great, but you should reward this behavior by compensating hourly employees for documented work that takes place outside the office. To do otherwise sets you up for a possible Department of Labor violation and penalties.
5. Don’t Fight Social Media. Your personnel are going to check Facebook or other social platforms during the work day. It’s a fact of life. So, ensure that all corporate content is sufficiently protected by encryption and anti-malware software. In lieu of pay, consider establishing a social media policy that trades on-the-job social media “comp” time for work done after hours (see number 3). Isn’t it better for workers to be given a few minutes a day to check Facebook rather than to have them do it without your consent?
6. Respect Worker Privacy. Speaking of social media, under no circumstances should you ever require workers to give you social media passwords―or passwords that protect any personal data. Your goal is to protect your data and intellectual assets, not to snoop into theirs. To do otherwise could set you up for a lawsuit.
Using BYOD blurs the lines between personal and corporate life. It’s your job to redraw them clearly. To learn more about some of the solutions we have mentioned here (all of which DynaSis offers), fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at (770) 569-4600.
By the DynaSis Team
If you follow our blogs, you know that we talk frequently about the value of technology for driving better business results. For many business owners, the question, then, becomes: “How can I ensure it makes a difference at my company? How can I quantify its benefit?”
To be honest, a lot of technology is notoriously hard to quantify, in terms of overall financial benefit. Small improvements and upgrades are easy to quantify. If, for example, your order processing clerk’s PC crashes and you replace it, you can fairly easily quantify the value of the orders that might have been lost had they not gotten processed on a timely basis.
Even on a larger scale, you can quantify the hard dollars of specific improvements. For example, if you implement a new inventory management solution, it might reduce inventory costs in a way that you can actually see, on paper. A new teleconferencing system could reduce hard travel costs. So far so good.
The crux of the problem, for the ROI equation, is that technology benefit is not a simple dollar for dollar equation. For example, if you upgrade your infrastructure to a faster, more stable platform and give your employees better access to information, it will likely improve your customer service. Your customers will likely think more highly of you, because they will perceive you as being “on top of your game.” Try to put a price tag on that.
On the flip side, if you make a dramatic change without having the proper framework in place, it won’t deliver the results you expect and you could negatively impact customer service or employee productivity. That’s what makes the “intangible” benefits of technology so elusive.
Business owners hear horror stories of companies that spent millions of dollars and reaped very little benefit―tangible or intangible. That makes them hesitant to engage in technology upgrades unless they can see a bottom line number that indicates the improvement will pay for itself in hard dollars.
We encourage you not to think that way. In reality, when a firm spends a fortune on technology with very little benefit, generally either the solution was the wrong one or they implemented it prematurely or unwisely.
Technology is like a house. If you don’t have a good foundation, no amount of bells and whistles are going to result in a quality product. In the example of the inventory solution we mentioned above, if a company deployed a major platform like that without having the appropriate infrastructure in place to integrate it with the rest of company operations, they likely wouldn’t achieve the benefits they sought. The new system might actually reduce the efficiency of their inventory management and delivery mechanisms.
To resolve this conundrum, firms should evaluate their existing technology thoroughly and then plan improvements and upgrades from the bottom up―the foundation. Above all else, you must achieve stability, performance, availability and security in your corporate technology platforms. That alone will result in a huge improvement in productivity, and can foster better customer service and faster delivery. Then you can add the rest of the layers to build something that’s really stellar.
Such an approach requires a roadmap that looks one, three or even five years into the future. If you don’t have a strategic technology roadmap that steers every decision, you may luck into the right combinations of solutions, but you won’t be able to quantify their benefits. You won’t know where you were or how far you have come.
Don’t get us wrong―solutions that promote mobility, better data management and other important functions are vital to the success of most businesses today, but they pieces of a puzzle, not the answer on their own.
We invite you to fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at (770) 569-4600 to discuss what you want to accomplish and how you will need to prepare for it. Optionally, if you want faster results, we can show you ready-made, cloud-based solutions where someone else has already laid the proper foundation.
By the DynaSis Team
At the end of 2013, Inc. magazine published a 2014 business outlook report based upon information gathered during the Inc. 5000 Conference. At the time, Inc. reported, the CEOs of the 5,000 fastest growing companies in the U.S. expressed optimism about the upcoming year, with 37% stating their prospects were “excellent,” and 45% ranking them as “good.” Furthermore, 81% indicated they planned to increase their workforce.
Despite being upbeat and ready to hire, only 9% of these savvy business owners reported being “very optimistic” that the U.S. was headed for a sustained period of economic growth. Forty-six percent were slightly optimistic; predicting slow but steady growth, and 26% felt that the country still has serious problems that are preventing a full recovery.
At the time, specific concerns these business stars expressed included gridlock in Washington, the Affordable Care Act, and unpredictable consumer behavior and spending. The National Federation of Independent Business found even more uncertainty, with 62% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) stating they were afraid to expand for similar reasons. A major concern was the economic growth “seesaw” that appeared to be taking place.
As we head into the latter half of 2014, we thought it might be interesting to see how well the business economic climate has performed—and give you a chance to benchmark your own results against those figures. So, how are we doing, today?
According to recent figures, it looks like the answer is, “pretty good.” U.S. businesses added 288,000 jobs in June 2014, lowering the unemployment rate to 6.1%. That’s five straight months of gains—the longest streak in 15 years.
Furthermore, the U.S. economy has reversed the declines of the frigid winter and economists expect it to grow at a healthy rate of 3% for the rest of the year. (Interestingly, that is the exact rate that Moody’s Chief Economist Mark Zandi forecast in late 2013.) The stock market, which many pessimists predicted to crash in 2014, has had its ups and downs but overall has stayed strong.
Of course, it’s no secret that much of this growth has been fostered by artificially low interest rates bolstered by bond-buying programs. Yet, even with the federal government easing away from this approach, the economic situation appears to be holding its own. Economists attribute this to consumer confidence inspired by a healthy stock market, strong banks and other signs of economic stability.
The result of all this activity is that bank lending is up 4% this year (and business lending is up 10%) as of mid-June. Businesses have done their part, too. When dealing with the Affordable Care Act, for example, businesses appear to have used creative tactics such as realigning shift assignments rather than laying off workers as some experts predicted.
Kiplinger’s now forecasts retail sales to grow 4% for the remainder of 2014, and for business spending to be up approximately 5%. How is your business doing? Will you grow or contract in 2014? Are you spending more?
If you’re not where you want to be—if perhaps you long to join the ranks of the Inc. 5000—use the second half of the year to plan the changes that will help you accomplish your goals. Improving your company’s access to and use of technology is absolutely one of the best strategies you can adopt.
We took a little break from “talking tech” this week, but in our next article, we’ll offer some compelling arguments that your technology investments will reward you with a stronger, more competitive company. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, you are always invited to fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at (770) 569-4600.
By the DynaSis Team
Earlier this month, an article by Business Insider revealed its predictions for how technology will change the world by 2025. Among discussions of solar panels, electric cars and better cancer treatments was one that sounds obvious―yet surprisingly challenging: “Everything will be digitally connected.”
The article’s author predicts that wireless communications will be a central component of our daily lives by then, with cars, homes and appliances (in addition to businesses and industrial operations) connected around the world, in every location. To power this hyper-connectivity, new technologies will store energy and serve as electrodes.
We’re not sure if that much connection is a good thing or a bad one. It will certainly increase collaboration and information sharing, but it will also generate even greater security risks. These challenges are already considerable, now, and we’re not sure they will be fully ironed out in the next decade. (Think about it―2025 sounds like a long way off, but it is barely 10 years away.)
So, we ask ourselves, how will the ever-present challenge of persistent connection with tight security be overcome when everything and everyone is connected? And to whom will everyone be connected? To each other? To some central authority? Or will it simply involve an expansion of the connectivity many of us enjoy now, but everyone will have access? The security-aware among us ask, “Will it make cyber-attacks easier to perpetrate, or to thwart?”
These are questions for the futurists to ponder, because IT folks on the ground are busy helping companies and individuals enjoy safe, productive connection, right now. At DynaSis, we work with clients every day who are challenged to give workers sufficient access to corporate resources without making those same resources vulnerable to outside attack. It’s the great conundrum of our era, and we don’t see it being resolved, anytime soon.
Fortunately, companies can already access very real, robust and affordable solutions that provide them with what we consider to be the “trifecta” of corporate IT functionality: availability, security and mobility. These solutions are simple to deploy, inexpensive to acquire and easy to learn and use.
They run the gamut from secure, cloud-hosted application and data storage to robust, end-to-end maintenance, security and problem resolution for on-premise infrastructure. We’re very familiar with every aspect of these technologies, because DynaSis has been at the forefront of developing them for more than 20 years. If you’d like to sit down with one of our technical experts to discuss how these solutions work and learn what they can do for your firm, fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769.
By the DynaSis Team
As news of the data-breach class-action suit against restaurant chain P.F. Chang’s reverberates around the Internet, a recently released survey has confirmed what a lot of experts have been asserting—that corporate websites are nowhere near as safe as their operators might hope. (For those that don’t follow online security news or have been on vacation in Bora Bora, P.F. Chang’s suffered a massive credit-card data breach in June 2014.)
The report, released by the Online Trust Alliance (OTA), found that 71% of top consumer websites did not sufficiently adhere to online security and privacy best practices. The OTA branded them with the designation of “untrustworthy,” because they expose their customers to potential data leaks, security breaches and privacy concerns. (The OTA performs this audit yearly; it just happened to coincide with the P. F. Chang’s disaster.)
For this report, the OTA examined the privacy and security practices of 800 leading sites that target consumers, from Walmart.com to Ancestry.com, and assigned them a grade for “online trust.” For the evaluation, the OTA considered three categories of best practices―domain/brand protection, privacy and security―for both the sites themselves and any related mobile apps they offer. (Twitter scored the highest grade for privacy and security.)
Among the top sites, 28.8% made the Honor Roll, meaning they safeguard data in the three categories listed above. That sounds pretty good until you consider that 52.7% of examined sites failed completely in at least one category. Among news and media sites―which many, many people read both at home and at work―only 4% qualified for the Honor Roll. Of perhaps greatest concern, however, was that banking websites and the Internet Retailer 500 (the online retail “big boys) performed dismally as well, with 65% and 57% failing, respectively. (Those numbers really shocked us.)
Given that the TOP 800 sites performed so dismally, where does that leave Internet users? Likely, in pretty scary territory. So, what’s the takeaway for business owners? In our view, there are several.
1. Inform your employees about the report and urge them to avoid sites that failed, both at home and at work. The weakest link in everyone’s security chain is the human one.
2. Understand that not providing personal data won’t necessarily make a site safe, because some harvest information off any device that accesses the site.
3. Know that mobile apps are even more likely to harvest data―they tell users that up front, but most ignore the warning. Caution users about this issue and deploy a corporate solution that monitors device app usage (see last week’s post).
On a separate but equally crucial front, if you host a Website that collects or stores any sensitive data from your customers, we strongly urge you to have it evaluated for adherence to privacy and security best practices. Furthermore, if you accept, transmit or store credit card data, you must comply with PCI (payment card industry) guidelines.
A large chain like P. F. Chang’s can likely weather the fall-out from a major data breach or the fines from failing to meet PCI requirements. It is a sad but honest fact that smaller businesses cannot.
If this entire discussion mystifies you, know that you are not alone. Many of our customers don’t have the time or technical expertise to explore these types of issues and take action. That’s why we are here. To learn more about what you can do to safeguard your website, your business and your workers, fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769.
By the DynaSis Team
In our last article, we touched a bit on mobile security as part of our larger discussion of mobile email adoption. We thought you might appreciate a follow-up discussion of the mobile device practices you should be putting in place to protect your company and personnel.
As corporate users continue to access business data and applications on their mobile devices, they blur the lines between company and personal use. Yet, numerous studies indicate that requiring employees to use a “company only” device lowers productivity and engenders user dissatisfaction.
Furthermore, at least one study found if workers are not allowed to use their personal devices for work, a large percentage will find workarounds to sneak corporate information onto personal devices in defiance of corporate policy. Those who engage in this practice generally aren’t corporate saboteurs―they’re simply frustrated employees that want to check email or perform other work tasks on their personal devices.
So, what’s a small or medium-sized business (SMB) to do? Engage in mobile device management (MDM), which lets organizations tightly manage mobile apps, secure mobile access to enterprise data, protect business data no matter where it is accessed or stored, and maintain auditable control over mobile devices.
Such robust MDM used to require a dedicated server that generally supported only one device platform (BlackBerry was the most common, in the past). Such solutions were beyond the capabilities (both in price and in complexity) of most firms.
Today, however, it’s possible to enjoy device-agnostic (any platform, within limits) MDM as a service. With such a solution, SMBs pay a fee for access to a platform that will ensure corporate protection. (Solutions such as these should provide all the support a company needs and completely alleviate the need to develop a solution in house or bear the burden of purchasing and configuring an MDM server.) The best of them combine desktop and device management under a single service, creating a “single pane of glass” view into all of a company’s user-run devices.
Many Managed IT service vendors provide such services, but all offerings are not created equal. Following are some key features to look for in a solution for your own firm:
At DynaSis, our offering combines desktop and device management, rolling MDM (smartphones and tablets) in with support and protection for corporate PCs (desktops and laptops). It incorporates all the best-practices protections we have discussed here, and more, and is included with many of our solutions. To learn more, fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769.
The DynaSis Team
If you’ve ever wanted to see a plethora of stats about email, in a single place, then we have found the site for you. It’s called Email Monday and the marketing expert who runs it updates it each week. When we checked it recently, we noticed some statistics that are very pertinent to small and medium business (SMB) owners.
The foremost statistic is that 47% of email is read on a mobile client compared to 28% on a desktop client, as of March 2014. This is actually a few points lower than a peak that occurred in November-December 2013, but we ascribe this number to holiday shopping, vacations, and other out-of-office situations that occur during this period.
More importantly, the number is up, year over year (mobile email usage was only 15% in the first quarter of 2011), and webmail has climbed, as well, to 25% of all opens. In other words, only 28% of email is now being read on a desktop computer. That’s an important statistic for SMBs—especially those that do not have a secure mobile solution in place for their employees. (More about this in a minute.)
Another interesting stat is that 79% of smartphone users rely on their device for reading email—a higher percentage than those who use it for making phone calls. What’s the takeaway on these statistics? We believe it to be that whether or not you have defined and implemented a corporate email policy, your employees are likely checking corporate email on their smartphones. They are also likely checking personal email on these devices while at the office—across your Wi-Fi network.
Without effective security and access control in place at your firm, in the form of both user policies and technology-based monitoring, you and your employees could be putting your corporate assets at risk.
We didn’t plan to talk about security two weeks in a row, but we decided to do it because things are pretty scary out there, these days. Furthermore, an alarming number of SMBs (the companies we are dedicated to protecting) are not taking proper precautions. Mobility is absolutely critical to business productivity, as these numbers underscore, but without security in tandem with it, the negative impacts can wipe out those benefits.
DynaSis certified professionals can perform an affordable, non-intrusive network assessment that will determine whether or not your company is vulnerable, and then help you develop a roadmap to fix any issues they find. (We find problems on the vast majority of networks we examine—even those “protected” by other firm’s solutions.)
In case you are not convinced yet, we’ll leave you with one more interesting statistic. Android users spend far more time perusing email on their devices than do iPhone users. And, since Android is a far more vulnerable device platform, we can project what that means to your corporate security.
If you haven’t had your corporate defenses examined recently (or ever), or if you have worked with us in the past but are not protected by our end-to-end desktop and device security solution, we hope you will fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769.
By the DynaSis Team
One of the biggest pieces of news you might not have heard was that last week (June 10), for the first time ever, a computer program passed the “Turing Test.” This test determines if a computer can persuade 30% of questioners that they are engaging with a human being (and not a computer) during a five-minute, text-based conversation.
The tech world has been talking about artificial intelligence (AI) for years—painting a portrait of a world where computers can stand in for humans in any given situation, and no one will be the wiser. The possibilities are tantalizing—and the perils are alarming.
In this particular instance, the winning computer program, called Eugene Goostman, beat out several other AI programs and persuaded 33% of interrogators that a human was on the other end, crafting the responses. At the event, organized by the University of Reading at the Royal Society London, some participants and observers claimed “Foul!” because the program claimed to be a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy with a limited grasp of the English language.
Other successful attempts at passing similar tests have also been flawed, because they included pre-established topics or questions, which the Turing Test specifically disallows. This time, the restrictions related to the “speaker” and not the topics or questions. Such an approach is not prohibited by the test, but it is a bit questionable.
So, where does this leave us? Undoubtedly, even if this episode fails to persuade the scientific community that a computer has definitively passed Turing’s test, there’s little doubt that such a feat will be accomplished before long. When computers can truly be indistinguishable from humans, the ramifications for online communication and, for that matter, cloud computing could be considerable.
Already, more than 60 percent of Internet traffic originates from bots, per data security company Incapsula. Published reports indicate that any number of human chat-room visitors have been duped into thinking they are speaking with a human—even to the point of accepting an invitation for a date. Chat bots are also becoming increasingly common for customer service and tech support. None of us know how many times we might have interacted with a chat bot and thought it was a real person.
So, as the line between human and computer continues to blur, and the world waits for another, more robust demonstration of true AI, what should you and your company do? Our recommendation is watch and be vigilant.
Texting with a computer posing as a human is a lot different from talking to one on the phone, where we can catch vocal intonations and other nuances that clue us into “humanness.” Nevertheless, with an increasing number of communications happening by text and email in today’s business environment, companies and their employees cannot be too careful.
Warn your personnel of the dangers of chatting with strangers online, especially if they ask for personal or corporate information. Chat bots have stolen personal information from innocent victims (or sending them to Websites that did) after persuading them they were human.
Furthermore, make sure your firm’s digital perimeter defenses are strong enough that they will stop activity from suspicious websites and not let workers interact with them. The weakest link in everyone’s security chain is humans, and the next wave of assaults may be on the way. If you are not certain that your security is up to par, fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769.
By the DynaSis Team
With technology gurus and media touting the benefits and adoption rates of advanced technologies such as cloud computing, one might assume that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. A new study from Ipsos Research (commissioned by Microsoft) shows that for SMBs (small to midsized businesses), that’s not the case.
Per the survey, conducted in early May 2014, only 30% of SMBs polled report adopting cloud computing, despite its obvious benefits. Other “hot” technologies such as tablets, payment technologies and social media apps also don’t rank highly, with only 34%, 34% and 31% considering of SMB owners considering them important, respectively.
Far more important to these business owners are laptop computers (68%), desktop computers (67%), smartphones (60%) and the supposed dinosaurs of technology—landlines (52%). More troubling, perhaps, is that it’s not that business owners don’t like these technologies. Of those polled, 86% said that keeping up with technology trends is important to their business (50% ranked it very important; 36% said it was somewhat important). Rather, they do not think their questions and concerns about these developments have been adequately addressed.
Specifically, the top three concerns of SMB owners regarding adopting new technologies were:
The expense of upgrading and/or maintaining technology (35%)
Security of new technologies (22%)
Mobility and access—specifically, the ability to work with content from multiple devices in any location (16%).
At DynaSis, we have long maintained that security, availability and mobility are the three pillars of success with technology, so we couldn’t agree with these business owners more. What these SMB owners (and others) may not realize is that it is no longer expensive or complicated to address security and achieve mobility and accessibility.
Furthermore, when SMBs develop technology plans that are aligned with their business objectives, the cost of upgrading proactively can be less expensive than dealing with equipment failures and outages as they occur. In fact, when the cost of downtime, lost business opportunity and company standing, and the productivity value of new technologies are factored in, unplanned upgrades and repairs are almost always considerably more expensive than making improvements at a measured pace.
With the survey also reporting that a substantial percentage of SMBs still manually collect and store data on individual hard drives (36%) and/or use filing cabinets and folders to collect, store and share files (26%), it’s evident that many SMBs are really missing out on the value of centralized (including cloud/online) storage solutions.
On the plus side, 40% of SMB staffers are now able to work remotely at least 50% of the time. That’s great news, but if they are still tied to hard drives and file folders, they are not working very productively.
If any of these statistics ring a bell with you, please fill out our inquiry form or give us a call at 678.218.1769. Our certified IT pros will come to your location, review how IT is (or isn’t) helping you achieve your business goals and objectives, and show you how it can be affordable to transition from outdated, insecure and impermanent technology solutions to a future where everyone works collaboratively and productively, from any location they choose.